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Patch Test

A simple suite of tests that only involves checking the output of a set of commands for errors.

  1. Clean the project:

     $ grunt clean
  2. Compile the project:

     $ tsc tasks/ts.ts --module commonjs --sourcemap
  3. Run the standard suite:

     $ grunt ts

    Verify that you see:

    1. a warning on the "warnbothcomments" task
    2. no compile output following the "nocompile" task
    3. an error at the end on the "fail" task.
    4. no errors before the "fail" task.

Minor Version Upgrade Test

A comprehensive suite of tests that involves glancing at the contents of files.

1-3. Run the Patch Test

  1. Verify that amdloader/js/app/loader.js was created

  2. Verify that amdloader/js/test/loader.js was created

TODO: Look for other test cases to document here

Major Version Upgrade Test

TODO: Document this process