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# Google Cloud Node.js Client Libraries

> Node.js idiomatic client libraries for [Google Cloud Platform]( services.

* [Node.js on Google Cloud][gcloud-homepage]

Libraries are available on GitHub and npm for developing Node.js
applications that interact with individual Google Cloud services:

| Repo | Release Level | Version |

If the service is not listed above, [google-api-nodejs-client]( interfaces
with additional Google Cloud APIs using a legacy REST interface.

_When building Node.js applications, preference should be given to the libraries listed in the table._

## Enabling APIs

Before you can interact with a given Google Cloud Service, you must enable its API.

Links are available for enabling APIs in the table at the beginning of this document, and in
each libraries

## Authentication

### Download your Service Account Credentials JSON file

To use Application Default Credentials, You first need to download a set of JSON credentials for your project. Go to **APIs & Auth** > **Credentials** in the [Google Developers Console][devconsole] and select **Service account** from the **Add credentials** dropdown.

> This file is your *only copy* of these credentials. It should never be
> committed with your source code, and should be stored securely.

Once downloaded, store the path to this file in the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable.

### Other Authentication Methods

Other authentication methods are outlined in the README for [google-auth-library-nodejs](,
which is the authentication library used by all Google Cloud Node.js clients.

## Example Applications

- [nodejs-getting-started][nodejs-getting-started] - A sample and [tutorial][nodejs-getting-started-tutorial] that demonstrates how to build a complete web application using Cloud Datastore, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Pub/Sub and deploy it to Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine.
- [gcloud-node-todos][gcloud-todos] - A TodoMVC backend using google-cloud-node and Datastore.
- [gitnpm][gitnpm] - Easily lookup an npm package's GitHub repo using google-cloud-node and Google App Engine.
- [gcloud-kvstore][gcloud-kvstore] - Use Datastore as a simple key-value store.
- [hya-wave][hya-wave] - Cloud-based web sample editor. Part of the [hya-io][hya-io] family of products.
- [gstore-node][gstore-node] - Google Datastore Entities Modeling library.
- [gstore-api][gstore-api] - REST API builder for Google Datastore Entities.

## Supported Node.js Versions

Our client libraries follow the [Node.js release schedule](
Libraries are compatible with all current _active_ and _maintenance_ versions of
If you are using an end-of-life version of Node.js, we recommend that you update
as soon as possible to an actively supported LTS version.

Google's client libraries support legacy versions of Node.js runtimes on a
best-efforts basis with the following warnings:

* Legacy versions are not tested in continuous integration.
* Some security patches and features cannot be backported.
* Dependencies cannot be kept up-to-date.

Client libraries targeting some end-of-life versions of Node.js are available, and
can be installed through npm [dist-tags](
The dist-tags follow the naming convention `legacy-(version)`.
For example, `{{ metadata['lib_install_cmd'] }}@legacy-10` installs client libraries
for versions compatible with Node.js 10.

## Versioning

Our libraries follow [Semantic Versioning][semver].

Please note it is currently under active development. Any release versioned `0.x.y` is subject to backwards-incompatible changes at any time.

**Stable**: Libraries defined at the Stable quality level are stable. The code surface will not change in backwards-incompatible ways unless absolutely necessary (e.g. because of critical security issues) or with an extensive deprecation period. Issues and requests against Stable libraries are addressed with the highest priority.

**Preview**: Libraries defined at the preview quality level are still a work-in-progress and are more likely to get backwards-incompatible updates.

## Contributing

Contributions to this library are always welcome and highly encouraged.

See [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] for more information on how to get started.

## License

Apache 2.0 - See [LICENSE][license] for more information.

[ga-description]: #ga
[preview-description]: #preview
[license]: LICENSE