QuarkChain is configured to be run with pypy for better performance.
To install pypy3 on Mac, first install Homebrew and then brew install pypy3
It's is highly recommended to use virtual environment creating an isolated python environment for your project. The packages installed later will only affect this environment.
To create a virtual environment
mkdir ~/virtualenv
pypy3 -m venv ~/virtualenv/qc
As the virtual env is created with pypy3 once the env is activated all the python and pip commands will point to their pypy3 versions automatically.
To activate the virtual environment
source ~/virtualenv/qc/bin/activate
To install the required packages for the project. Under pyquarkchain dir where setup.py is located
pip install -e .
Start running a cluster
cd quarkchain/cluster
pypy3 cluster.py --mine=true
####TODO: update this section with pypy command First install docker
Build docker image
docker build -t quarkchain .
Run network inside docker
docker run -it quarkchain /bin/bash
python3 -c "import quarkchain.simple_network; quarkchain.simple_network.main()"
Run network outside docker
docker run -t quarkchain python3 -c "import quarkchain.simple_network; quarkchain.simple_network.main()"
- install pydevp2p, pyquarkchain
python setup.py install; cd pydevp2p; python setup.py install; cd ..
- Run three or more pyquarkchain instance
python quarkchain/p2pnetwork.py --i_am_seed=true
python quarkchain/p2pnetwork.py --db_path=./db1 --enable_local_server=true --local_port=5858
python quarkchain/p2pnetwork.py --db_path=./db2
- Run miner
python quarkchain/miner.py --local_port=5858
Build the Dockerfile into an image. Run the following in the root of the repository:
docker build -t quarkchain .
- Run the Docker image that was just built as a container:
docker run -d -P --name quarkchain -p 8000:80 -e ENVIRONMENT=development quarkchain
- If you need to SSH into the container, you will need to add your SSH public key to ./dockers/webserver/ssh/authorized_keys. Then follow steps 2 and 3 again. You'll need to run:
docker port quarkchain
in order to find the port mapping for port 22. Then SSH using:
ssh -p <CONTAINER_SSH_PORT> root@localhost
- To stop the container:
docker stop quarkchain
- To remove the container:
docker rm quarkchain
p7. You can run supervisor commands on the container without having to SSH, like so:
docker exec quarkchain supervisorctl restart uwsgi
docker exec quarkchain supervisorctl restart all