PingChecker is a Python program that checks your latency for various games by pinging the game servers
The following are needed to run DeadOrNot
- [Python/Python 3] (
1. Use [pip]( to install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the -h option to see information and other options
python -h
Check and output game status using flags for respective games Currently supported games -f or --fortnite for Fortnite -d or --dota for Dota 2 -l or -lol for League of Legends -he or -heart for HearthStone -ho or --hots for Heroes of the Storm -w or --wow for World of Warcraft -s or -star for Starcraft 2 -o or -overwatch for Overwatch
python --lol
Add argument to narrow down servers by region, region combinations are permitted, i.e using NA EU will show latency for both Europe and North America Currently supported regions All - for all regions - default NA - for North America EU - for Europe OCE - for Oceania SA - for South America MEA - for the Middle East Asia - for Asia
python NA -lol
Any help, ideas or issues with the program are welcome and encouraged.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.