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Introduction - Class 01

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Episode - 1 (Welcome & Introduction)

1.1 What is the programing language?

  • A programing language is a command that can make commands to our computer to finish some task.
  • For example: Suppose, in a room have 2 people first one is Spanish and the second one is Bangladeshi. Both people have different mother tongues. So, now just ask yourself how they make conversation. Let me tell you, they didn't able to make any conversation if there are doesn't have 3hrd person. And the 3rth person is Programing Language. We know, the computer only knows Machine Language which means 0101010101 which is binary. So, we write any language to command our computer, and this language will make conversation with the computer. This is programming language concept clear?

1.2 What is the JavaScript?

  • JavaScript is a scripting language and a powerful and useful programing language.

1.3 Why was it named JavaScript?

  • JavaScript started out as Mocha, then became LiveScript and then became JavaScript when Netscape and Sun got together. The name JavaScript is usually derived from Java in the first place.

1.4 History of JavaScript

1.4.1 What is the JS engine?
  • An engine is a machine that can read something and return some output from it, usually using the JavaScript V8 engine.
1.4.2 Names of various JavaScript engines?
Brave or Chrome or Opra <<<=====>>> V8
Edge                    <<<=====>>> Chakra Core
Safari                  <<<=====>>> "Nitro" and "SquirrelFish"
Mozilla FireFox         <<<=====>>> SpiderMonkey Engine
1.4.3 What can we do with JavaScript?
  • We can do a lot of things with JavaScript. For example, we can build Android Apps, IOS Apps, Desktop Apps, Windows Apps, Web Applications, and Any kind of backend with NodeJs.