RME : RPG Maker Extender (v1.4.0
RME is the successor of Event Extender. It offers a collection of tools to promote the personalization of an RPG Maker VX Ace project. It is the result of the work of many people and any contribution is welcome.
Add +700 event commands in the form of small script calls
- Map commands (Carte)
- Standard commands (Standards)
- Event commands (Evénements)
- Keyboard commands (Clavier)
- Mouse commands (Souris)
- Picture commands (Images)
- Parallax commands (Panoramas)
- Team commands (Equipes)
- Item commands (Objets)
- Armor/Weapon commands (Armures/Armes)
- System commands (Systèmes)
- Actor commands (Acteurs)
- Skill commands (Techniques)
- Mathematical commands (Mathématiques)
- Troop commands (Groupes)
- Monster commands (Ennemis)
- Battle commands (En combat)
- Text commands (Textes)
- Time commands (Date/Heure)
- Socket commands (Client-Serveur)
- Scene commands (Scenes)
- Save/Load commands (Sauvegardes)
- Virtual area commands (Zones virtuelles)
- Textfield commands (Champs de texte)
- Clipboard commands (Presse-papier)
- Pad XBOX360 vibration commands (Vibrations (XBOX360))
- BGM/BGS/ME/SE commands (Sons)
- Camera commands (Caméra)
- Screen effects commands (Ecran)
- Game windows commands (Fenêtres)
- Special effects commands (Effets spéciaux)
- File commands (Fichiers)
- Spritesheet commands (Spritesheet)
shortcut for manipulating global variables and global switches in script calls -
Add labels, self-labels, self-variables and extend self-switches
: label (ex.:L[:foo] = "bar"
: self-label (ex.:SL[:x] = event_x(1)
: self-switch (ex.:SS[6] = player_moving?
: self-variable (ex.:SV[1] = 5
Call self-labels/variables/swtich from another event or map (
SV[id_event, id]
,SV[id_map, id_event, id]
...) -
Can eval commands live ingame with the command-tester (F3)
Can test the tone of the screen with the tone-tester (F4)
Add maps related events, custom triggers, events selectors... see the wiki! ;)
Copy/paste the content of RME.rb
in your scripts... that's all!
Unfortunately, the command documentation is not yet available in English, but it is easy to understand what a command is for because its name and parameters are in English! :)