The NuScenes dataset is a popular autonomous driving dataset. Follow the steps below to set it up and prepare it for use:
- Setup Directories:
Create directories for NuScenes data and optionally create a symbolic link if you have the data elsewhere.
mkdir -p data/nuscenes
ln -s $PATH_TO_NUSCENES data/nuscenes
- Download NuScenes Data:
The dataset can be downloaded from the NuScenes official website. Once downloaded, unzip and place it in the data/nuscenes
- Download Sky Masks:
Sky masks help in addressing the ill-defined depth for sky. Download the sky masks from the provided Google Drive link and unzip them in the data/nuscenes/
Once done, you're all set to integrate and use the NuScenes dataset in your project!
- Extract dynamic object masks from NuScenes dataset: Should be straightforward to do, but we haven't done it yet.
- Add GT flows for evaluation
- Support novel view synthesis: Currently, we have not implemented train/test splits for novel view synthesis, because it requires splitting asynchronous LiDAR and camera data.
Any contribution is welcome!
Example scripts to run experiments on NuScenes can be:
python \
--config_file configs/default_dynamic.yaml \
--output_root $output_root \
--project $project \
--run_name $scene_idx \
--render_data_video \
data.data_root="data/nuscenes" \ # set the data root
data.dataset="nuscenes" \ # set the dataset
data.scene_idx=$scene_idx \
data.pixel_source.num_cams=6 \ # set the number of cameras, 1, 3, or 6
data.pixel_source.load_size=[450,800] \ # set the image size
data.pixel_source.skip_feature_extraction=False \ # set to True if you want to skip feature extraction
data.pixel_source.load_features=True \ # set to True if you want to load features
data.pixel_source.feature_model_type=dinov2_vitb14 \ # set the feature model type
data.lidar_source.truncated_min_range=-60 \ # IMPORTANT because our default setting is -2.
data.start_timestep=0 \
data.end_timestep=100 \
nerf.model.head.enable_feature_head=True \
logging.saveckpt_freq=$num_iters \
Below are some baseline results from EmerNeRF. Please note that these are preliminary and represent a minimally trained and tuned version of EmerNeRF: