Helpers are used in templates to help you insert snippets quickly. Helpers cannot be used in source files.
Returns a url with the root path prefixed. You should use this helper instead of config.root + path
since Hexo 2.7.
<%- url_for(path) %>
Returns the relative URL from from
to to
<%- relative_url(from, to) %>
Inserts a Gravatar image. If you don't specify the [options] parameter, the default options will apply. Otherwise, you can set it to a number which will then be passed on as the size parameter to Gravatar. Finally, if you set it to an object, it will be converted into a query string of parameters for Gravatar.
<%- gravatar(email, [options]);
<%- gravatar('[email protected]') %>
<%- gravatar('[email protected]', 40) %>
<%- gravatar('[email protected]' {s: 40, d: ''}) %>
Loads CSS files. path
can be an array or a string. If path
isn't prefixed with /
or any protocol, it'll get prefixed with the root URL. If you didn't add the .css
extension after path
, it will be added automatically.
<%- css(path, ...) %>
<%- css('style.css') %>
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" type="text/css">
<%- css(['style.css', 'screen.css']) %>
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" type="text/css">
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="/screen.css" type="text/css">
Loads JavaScript files. path
can be an array or a string. If path
isn't prefixed with /
or any protocol, it'll get prefixed with the root URL. If you didn't add the .js
extension after path
, it will be added automatically.
<%- js(path, ...) %>
<%- js('script.js') %>
// <script type="text/javascript" src="/script.js"></script>
<%- js(['script.js', 'gallery.js']) %>
// <script type="text/javascript" src="/script.js"></script>
// <script type="text/javascript" src="/gallery.js"></script>
Inserts a link.
<%- link_to(path, [text], [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
external |
Opens the link in a new tab | false |
class |
Class name | |
id |
ID |
<%- link_to('') %>
// <a href="" title=""></a>
<%- link_to('', 'Google') %>
// <a href="" title="Google">Google</a>
<%- link_to('', 'Google', {external: true}) %>
// <a href="" title="Google" target="_blank" rel="external">Google</a>
Inserts a mail link.
<%- mail_to(path, [text], [options]) %>
Option | Description |
class |
Class name |
id |
ID |
subject |
Mail subject |
cc |
CC |
bcc |
body |
Mail content |
<%- mail_to('[email protected]') %>
// <a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
<%- mail_to('[email protected]', 'Email') %>
// <a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="Email">Email</a>
Inserts an image.
<%- image_tag(path, [options]) %>
Option | Description |
alt |
Alternative text of the image |
class |
Class name |
id |
ID |
width |
Image width |
height |
Image height |
Inserts a favicon.
<%- favicon_tag(path) %>
Inserts a feed link.
<%- feed_tag(path, [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
title |
Feed title | |
type |
Feed type | atom |
Check whether path
matches the URL of the current page. Use strict
options to enable strict matching.
<%- is_current(path, [strict]) %>
Check whether the current page is home page.
<%- is_home() %>
Check whether the current page is a post.
<%- is_post() %>
Check whether the current page is an archive page.
<%- is_archive() %>
Check whether the current page is a yearly archive page.
<%- is_year() %>
Check whether the current page is a monthly archive page.
<%- is_month() %>
Check whether the current page is a category page. If a string is given as parameter, check whether the current page match the given category.
<%- is_category() %>
<%- is_category('hobby') %>
Check whether the current page is a tag page. If a string is given as parameter, check whether the current page match the given tag.
<%- is_tag() %>
<%- is_tag('hobby') %>
Removes prefixing and trailing spaces of a string.
<%- trim(string) %>
Sanitizes all HTML tags in a string.
<%- strip_html(string) %>
<%- strip_html('It's not <b>important</b> anymore!') %>
// It's not important anymore!
Transforms a string into proper title caps.
<%- titlecase(string) %>
<%- titlecase('this is an apple') %>
# This is an Apple
Renders a string with Markdown.
<%- markdown(str) %>
<%- markdown('make me **strong**') %>
// make me <strong>strong</strong>
Renders a string.
<%- render(str, engine, [options]) %>
Wraps text into lines no longer than length
. length
is 80 by default.
<%- word_wrap(str, [length]) %>
<%- word_wrap('Once upon a time', 8) %>
// Once upon\n a time
Truncates text after certain length
. Default is 30 characters.
<%- truncate(text, [options]) %>
<%- truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away', {length: 17}) %>
// Once upon a ti...
<%- truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away', {length: 17, separator: ' '}) %>
// Once upon a...
<%- truncate('And they found that many people were sleeping better.', {length: 25, omission: '... (continued)'}) %>
// And they f... (continued)
Loads other template files. You can define local variables in locals
<%- partial(layout, [locals], [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
cache |
Cache contents (Use fragment cache) | false |
only |
Strict local variables. Only use variables set in locals in templates. |
false |
Caches the contents in a fragment. It saves the contents within a fragment and serves the cache when the next request comes in.
<%- fragment_cache(id, fn);
<%- fragment_cache('header', function(){
return '<header></header>';
}) %>
Inserts formatted date. date
can be unix time, ISO string, date object, or Moment.js object. format
is date_format
setting by default.
<%- date(date, [format]) %>
<%- date( %>
// 2013-01-01
<%- date(, 'YYYY/M/D') %>
// Jan 1 2013
Inserts date in XML format. date
can be unix time, ISO string, date object, or Moment.js object.
<%- date_xml(date) %>
<%- date_xml( %>
// 2013-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Inserts formatted time. date
can be unix time, ISO string, date object, or Moment.js object. format
is time_format
setting by default.
<%- time(date, [format]) %>
<%- time( %>
// 13:05:12
<%- time(, 'h:mm:ss a') %>
// 1:05:12 pm
Inserts formatted date and time. date
can be unix time, ISO string, date object, or Moment.js object. format
is date_format + time_format
setting by default.
<%- full_date(date, [format]) %>
<%- full_date(new Date()) %>
// Jan 1, 2013 0:00:00
<%- full_date(new Date(), 'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a') %>
// Tuesday, January 1st 2013, 12:00:00 am
Moment.js library.
Inserts a list of all categories.
<%- list_categories([options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
orderby |
Order of categories | name |
order |
Sort of order. 1 , asc for ascending; -1 , desc for descending |
1 |
show_count |
Display the number of posts for each category | true |
style |
Style to display the category list. list displays categories in an unordered list. |
list |
separator |
Separator between categories. (Only works if style is not list ) |
, |
depth |
Levels of categories to be displayed. 0 displays all categories and child categories; -1 is similar to 0 but displayed in flat; 1 displays only top level categories. |
0 |
class |
Class name of category list. | category |
transform |
The function that changes the display of category name. | |
suffix |
Add a suffix to link. | None |
Inserts a list of all tags.
<%- list_tags([options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
orderby |
Order of categories | name |
order |
Sort of order. 1 , asc for ascending; -1 , desc for descending |
1 |
show_count |
Display the number of posts for each tag | true |
style |
Style to display the tag list. list displays tags in an unordered list. |
list |
separator |
Separator between categories. (Only works if style is not list ) |
, |
class |
Class name of tag list. | tag |
transform |
The function that changes the display of category name. | |
amount |
The number of tags to display (0 = unlimited) | 0 |
suffix |
Add a suffix to link. | None |
Inserts a list of archives.
<%- list_archives([options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
type |
Type. This value can be yearly or monthly . |
monthly |
order |
Sort of order. 1 , asc for ascending; -1 , desc for descending |
1 |
show_count |
Display the number of posts for each archive | true |
format |
Date format | MMMM YYYY |
style |
Style to display the archive list. list displays archives in an unordered list. |
list |
separator |
Separator between archives. (Only works if style is not list ) |
, |
class |
Class name of archive list. | archive |
transform |
The function that changes the display of archive name. |
Inserts a list of posts.
<%- list_posts([options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
orderby |
Order of posts | date |
order |
Sort of order. 1 , asc for ascending; -1 , desc for descending |
1 |
style |
Style to display the post list. list displays posts in an unordered list. |
list |
separator |
Separator between posts. (Only works if style is not list ) |
, |
class |
Class name of post list. | post |
amount |
The number of posts to display (0 = unlimited) | 6 |
transform |
The function that changes the display of post name. |
Inserts a tag cloud.
<%- tagcloud([tags], [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
min_font |
Minimal font size | 10 |
max_font |
Maximum font size | 20 |
unit |
Unit of font size | px |
amount |
Total amount of tags | 40 |
orderby |
Order of tags | name |
order |
Sort order. 1 , sac as ascending; -1 , desc as descending |
1 |
color |
Colorizes the tag cloud | false |
start_color |
Start color. You can use hex (#b700ff ), rgba (rgba(183, 0, 255, 1) ), hsla (hsla(283, 100%, 50%, 1) ) or color keywords. This option only works when color is true. |
end_color |
End color. You can use hex (#b700ff ), rgba (rgba(183, 0, 255, 1) ), hsla (hsla(283, 100%, 50%, 1) ) or color keywords. This option only works when color is true. |
Inserts a paginator.
<%- paginator(options) %>
Option | Description | Default |
base |
Base URL | / |
format |
URL format | page/%d/ |
total |
The number of pages | 1 |
current |
Current page number | 0 |
prev_text |
The link text of previous page. Works only if prev_next is set to true. |
Prev |
next_text |
The link text of next page. Works only if prev_next is set to true. |
Next |
space |
The space text | &hellp; |
prev_next |
Display previous and next links | true |
end_size |
The number of pages displayed on the start and the end side | 1 |
mid_size |
The number of pages displayed between current page, but not including current page | 2 |
show_all |
Display all pages. If this is set true, end_size and mid_size will not works. |
false |
Inserts a Google search form.
<%- search_form(options) %>
Option | Description | Default |
class |
The class name of form | search-form |
text |
Search hint word | Search |
button |
Display search button. The value can be a boolean or a string. When the value is a string, it'll be the text of the button. | false |
Formats a number.
<%- number_format(number, [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
precision |
The precision of number. The value can be false or a nonnegative integer. |
false |
delimiter |
The thousands delimiter | , |
separator |
The separator between the fractional and integer digits. | . |
<%- number_format(12345.67, {precision: 1}) %>
// 12,345.68
<%- number_format(12345.67, {precision: 4}) %>
// 12,345.6700
<%- number_format(12345.67, {precision: 0}) %>
// 12,345
<%- number_format(12345.67, {delimiter: ''}) %>
// 12345.67
<%- number_format(12345.67, {separator: '/'}) %>
// 12,345/67
Inserts Open Graph data.
<%- open_graph([options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
title |
Page title (og:title ) |
page.title |
type |
Page type (og:type ) |
blog |
url |
Page URL (og:url ) |
url |
image |
Page cover (og:image ) |
First image in the content |
site_name |
Site name (og:site_name ) |
config.title |
description |
Page description (og:desription ) |
Page excerpt or first 200 characters of the content |
twitter_card |
Twitter card type (twitter:card ) |
summary |
twitter_id |
Twitter ID (twitter:creator ) |
twitter_site |
Twitter Site (twitter:site ) |
google_plus |
Google+ profile link | |
fb_admins |
Facebook admin ID | |
fb_app_id |
Facebook App ID |
Parses all heading tags (h1~h6) in the content and inserts a table of contents.
<%- toc(str, [options]) %>
Option | Description | Default |
class |
Class name | toc |
list_number |
Displays list number | true |
<%- toc(page.content) %>