👋 Hello, I'm Dave Gray.
✅ Check out my YouTube Channel with all of my tutorials.
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📺 YouTube Playlist for this repository.
🚀 This repository shares ALL of the resources referenced during the CSS tutorial series.
DO NOT COPY FOR AN ASSIGNMENT - Avoid plagiargism and adhere to the spirit of this Academic Honesty Policy.
- 🔗 Google Chrome Web Browser
- 🔗 Visual Studio Code (aka VS Code)
- 🔗 Live Server VS Code Extension
- 🔗 vscode-icons VS Code Extension
- 🔗 Github Themes VS Code Extension
- 🔗 W3C CSS Validator
- 🔗 Specificity Calculator
- 🔗 MDN: CSS
- 🔗 MDN: CSS Basics
- 🔗 MDN: Applying Color to HTML Elements using CSS
- 🔗 MDN: CSS Values and Units
- 🔗 MDN: The Box Model
- 🔗 MDN: Styling Lists
- 🔗 MDN: Display Property
- 🔗 MDN: Floats
- Placeholder Image Generators:
- Sites with Freely-Usable Images:
- Image Editing / Resizing Software:
- 🔗 For Windows: Irfanview
- 🔗 As a Service: Canva.com
- 🔗 Suggestions for Macs
- Full Featured Editor for Windows/Mac/Linux:
- 🔗 Gimp
- Image Compression (shrink file size):
- 🔗 TinyPNG