free data structure ( Hive - fixed data structure ) function names, names of relations, fields are case sensitive
execute into local mode
pig -x local
pig -x local <filename>
data types
map: [1#red, 2#yellow, 3#green]
bag: (1, red), (2, yellow), (3, green)
tuple: (1,red)
atom: int, long, float, double, chararray, bytearray
load data from file
/* load data from file and use semicolon delimiter, default delimiter = \t */
LOAD <path to file/folder> USING PigStorage(';') AS (userId: chararray, timestamp: long );
LOAD <path to file/folder> AS (userId: chararray, timestamp: long ); -- tab will be used as delimiter for default loader - PigStorage('\t')
LOAD <path to file/folder> USING TextLoader() -- tuple with one value - single line of text
LOAD <path to file/folder> USING JsonLoader() -- json format
LOAD <path to file/folder> USING BinStorage() -- for internal using
save data
operation will fail, if directory exists
STORE <var name> INTO <path to directory>
STORE <var name> INTO <path to directory> USING PigStorage() -- default saver
STORE <var name> INTO <path to directory> USING BinStorage()
STORE <var name> INTO <path to directory> USING PigDump()
STORE <var name> INTO <path to directory> USING JsonStorage()
using command line parameters into PigLating script
./pig -param dir='/opt/data/import' myscript.pig
script with used parameter from command line
/* inside script it is looks like */
employee = LOAD "$dir/employee.csv" as PigStorage("\t")
using one parameter file to combine all parameters custom_parameters.values
dir = '/opt/data/import'
user = 'Michael'
command line
./pig -param_file custom_parameters.values
describe variable, print type
DESCRIBE <var name>;
explanation of execution ( logical, physical, MapReduce)
EXPLAIN <var name>;
print content of the variable
DUMP <var name>;
history of the variable, variable transformation steps
ILLUSTRATE <var name>;
group into new variable
{bag} = GROUP <var name> by <field name>;
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
> (7,8,9)
> (4,3,2)
groupped_data = group data by f1;
dump groupped_data;
( 1, {(1,2,3)} )
( 4, {(4,5,6), (4,3,2)} )
( 7, {(7,8,9)} )
cogroup - multiply grouping
{bag} = COGROUP <var name> by <field name>, <var name> by <field name>;
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
> (7,8,9)
> (4,3,2)
comments = load 'comments.csv' as (id: int, name: chararray);
dump comments;
> (1, "first")
> (2, "second")
> (3, "third")
> (4, "fourth")
groupped_data = cogroup data by f1, comments by id;
dump groupped_data;
( 1, {(1,2,3)}, {(1, "first")} )
( 4, {(4,5,6), (4,3,2)}, {(4, "fourth")} )
( 7, {(7,8,9)} )
map value one-by-one, walk through variable, foreach with outer relation
{bag} = FOREACH <var name> GENERATE <var field>, FUNCTION(<var field>);
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
> (7,8,9)
> (4,3,2)
extension = FOREACH data f1,f2,f3, f1+f2 as s12:int, f2+f3 as s23;
> (1,2,3,3,5)
> (4,5,6,9,11)
> (7,8,9,15,17)
> (4,3,2,7,5)
foreach with a grouped relation
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
> (7,8,9)
> (4,3,2)
groupped_data = group data by f1;
dump groupped_data;
( 1, {(1,2,3)} )
( 4, {(4,5,6), (4,3,2)} )
( 7, {(7,8,9)} )
/* name of the first field from previous dataset will be 'group' */
FOREACH groupped_data GENERATE group, data.f2, data.f3
>(1, { (2) }, { (3) })
>(4, { (5), (3) }, { (6),(2) })
>(7, { (8) }, { (9) })
foreach nested block
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
> (7,8,9)
> (4,3,2)
comments = load 'comments.csv' as (id: int, name: chararray);
dump comments;
> (1, "first")
> (2, "second")
> (3, "third")
> (4, "fourth")
result = FOREACH comments{
filtered_data = filter data by f1<=4;
generate name, filtered_data.f2, filtered_data.f3;
-- generate name, filtered_data.$1, filtered_data.$2;
dump result;
> ("first", 2,3)
> ("second")
> ("third")
> ("fourth", 5, 6)
> ("fourth", 3, 2)
accessible nested functions:
- distinct
- filter
- limit
- order by
- FLATTEN - flat map for tuples ( and nested elements )
dump data
FOREACH data generate $0, flatten($1);
will work even for:
(1,{(4),(7)}) -> (1,4,7)
- AVG average of the number values in a single column
- CONCAT concatanation of two columns
- TOKENIZE split string and return tuple of words
- COUNT count number of elements, require GROUP BY/GROUP ALL
- COUNT_STAR count number of elments into a bag
- DIFF compare two fields in tuple
- IsEmpty is field empty/null
- MAX/MIN/SUM maximum/minimum/summarize value, require GROUP BY/GROUP ALL
data = load 'data.csv' as (f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);
dump data;
> (1,2)
> (4,5)
> (7,8)
> (4,3)
groupped_data = group data by f1;
dump groupped_data;
( 1, {(1,2)} )
( 4, {(4,5), (4,3)} )
( 7, {(7,8)} )
FOREACH groupped_data GENERATE group, MAX(groupped_data.f2)
> (1, 2)
> (4, 5)
> (7, 8)
- ....
filter by condition
FILTER <var name> BY <field name> operation;
FILTER <var name> BY <field name> MATCHES <regexp>;
data = LOAD <path to file/folder> USING PigStorage(';') AS (userId: chararray, timestamp: long );
filtered_data = FILTER data BY timestamp is not null
ABS absolute value
CEIL round to the nearest up integer
STRSPLIT split around Regular Expression
REGEX_EXTRACT/REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL extract elements according given Regular Expression
SUBSTRING substring of the given string
REPLACE replace existing characters with new one/sequence
MAPREDUCE execute external job
STREAM send data to external script or program
UDF DEFINE assign alias to user defined function
UDF REGISTER register jar with UDF
fs invoke FSShell command ( ls, mkdir, )
order data
ordered_data = ORDER data BY timestamp DESC
dump data;
dump data;
dump data2
UNION data, data2;
split data to different dataset using conditions
dump data
SPLIT data INTO data_small IF $0<=1, data_big IF $0>1;
DUMP data_small;
DUMP data_big;
cross values
DUMP data1;
> (1,2,3)
> (4,5,6)
DUMP data2;
> (7,8)
> (9,10)
CROSS data1, data2;
> (1,2,3, 7,8)
> (1,2,3, 9,10)
> (4,5,6, 7,8)
> (4,5,6, 9,10)
join variables, inner join, outer join for variables
posts = LOAD '/data/user-posts.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (user:chararray, post:chararray, date:timestamp);
likes = LOAD '/data/user-likes.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS (user_name:chararray, user_like:chararray, like_date:long);
JOIN posts BY user, likes BY user_name;
JOIN posts BY user LEFT OUTER, likes BY user_name;
JOIN posts BY user FULL OUTER, likes BY user_name;
> result will be: ( posts::user, posts::post, posts::date, likes:user_name, likes:user_like, likes:like_date )
-- the same but with reference using position of the field
JOIN posts BY $0, likes BY $0;
DUMP data1;
> (1,2,3)
> (1,2,4)
> (2,3,4)
> (2,3,5)
DUMP data2;
> ("first", 1)
> ("second", 2)
JOIN data1 BY $0, data2 BY, $1
> (1,2,3, "first", 1)
> (1,2,4, "first", 1)
> (2,3,4, "second", 2)
> (2,3,5, "second", 2)