Project to extend on Dynamic Paramters for Dapper. Currently only has a method to handle User-Defined Table Types.
Given that we have a User-Defined Table Type of: [dbo].[IntList]
that is defined as such:
[IntValue] [int] NOT NULL
All we need is to have a csharp class that is defined the same way as our type (similar to the way Dapper maps query results):
// Class Name doesn't matter
public class IntListType
// Must match Table Type name!
public int IntValue { get; set; }
Then put it all together:
var ids = new List<int>{1,2,3,4};
var intList = ids.Select(x => new IntListType { IntValue = x });
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.AddTable("@sprocParameterName", "[dbo].[IntList]", intList);
connection.Execute("storedProcedure", parameters, CommandType.StoredProcedure);
###If you have multipe values in your table type such as:
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[TestType] AS TABLE(
[TestValue1] [int] NOT NULL,
[TestValue2] [nvarchar(50)] NOT NULL
Your matching C# class properties must match exact order:
public class TestType
public int TestValue1 { get; set; }
public string TestValue2 { get; set; }
public class TestType
public string TestValue2 { get; set; } // This comes second in your TestType sql definition so it needs to be second in this class
public int TestValue1 { get; set; }
*Does not support anything other than flat types, so no nested types