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506 lines (432 loc) · 20.9 KB

File metadata and controls

506 lines (432 loc) · 20.9 KB

Contribution of Diego Staphorst


This project has been carried out together with Sjoerd, Timo and Camille, two classmates from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. We executed our last project of the semester with a commissioner of The Biogas Boat. This boat can convert organic waste into biogas which can be cooked with in de Ceuvel. This has to be done to close loops, which helps by creating a sustainable environment.

In order to monitor the entire digestion process of organic waste into biogas, several sensors have been placed on the boat. These sensors are located in the digester, at the gas bag, on the boat to keep track of the gas supply to the Ceuvel and one for the temperature outside the boat.

Table of contents

Branches by me

I also worked in master directly if branches were not needed for the feature


I used a lot of new techniques that I learned during this Minor. I was working for the biggest part on managing the data we got from The BioGas Boat. But also did some frontend work.

  • Working with API's
  • Working with git/github
  • Using design patterns in the frontend javascript
  • Using design patterns in the Node.js backend
  • Browserify
  • NPM & NPM scripts
  • Mongo & Mongoose

and so on. It was kinda hectic but I managed till now!

Web App from Scratch

I worked on some parts the frontend of the real time dashboard like the current weather in the location of the boat. In the future the boat will contain it's own temperature sensors but for now we used an API from This an API which works location based.

I made use of the object litteral design pattern. I also made use of the new ES6 style of coding which later was babelified for use in older browsers. Beneath in the details you can see an example of the API used.

Real time weather function in frontend

const weatherApi = {
  value: document.querySelector(`#tempCurrentOutside .value`),
  icon: document.querySelector(`#tempCurrentOutside .icon`),
  url: '',
  key: 'APPID=3e418cff30ae27d7220280cdf07d7a86',
  location: {
    lat: 'lat=52.394063',
    lon: 'lon=4.911307'
  checkTemperature() {
      .then(data => data.json())
      .then(data => {
        this.value.innerHTML = data.main.temp;
        this.icon.src = `${[0].icon}.png`;

if (document.getElementById('tempCurrentOutside')) weatherApi.checkTemperature();

CSS to the Rescue

I created the map structure for Sass, it is based on DevTips Starter kit but with a little twist to make it more biological. We used variables for storing data we had to reuse like the colors so it will be changed on the whole website when the variables changes. I also styled the first version of the customer dashboard which was not included in the final product because Camille was working on that part of the website when he started working with us.

SCSS structure

  • src/
    • scss/
      • 01-dna _______________________ # Config with typography, variables, colors

        • _dna.scss __________________ # Imports all scss files in this folder
      • 02-molecules _________________ # Styling of single HTML elements

        • _molecules.scss ____________ # Imports all scss files in this folder
      • 03-proteins __________________ # Styling of the elements containing other elements, like menu's

        • _base.scss _________________ # Imports all scss files in this folder
      • 04-cells _____________________ # Styling of pages

        • _base.scss _________________ # Imports all scss files in this folder
      • main.scss ____________________ # Imports all underscored files from the folders.

Performance Matters

MongoDB & Mongoose

We did a lot about the performance because we were working with huge sets of data. The first problems arose with querying the mongo database. At first we were downloading the whole data set into the backend and parsed the data with Node.js. When I saw what the problem was we started using $match, $group, $aggregate which are functions for creating queries. This way you can ask the database storage to already manipulate the data which creates smaller JSON downloads. This way there al shorter loading times for the users which creates a better User Experience.

In the example below you can see the aggregate function which clumps data of a single day ($match) together. It takes the average of the day from the selected properties. By doing it this way we were able to reduce the send time by nearly 2 minutes, only a small part of the data had to be processed after getting it.

Send datapoints with to frontend

// In this function the DataPoint schema gets called with where every instance should be between the startdate and enddate
      $match: {
          Date: {
            $gte: startDate.toDate(),
            $lt: endDate.toDate()
    // It aggregates a group of instances and takes the average for the day. 
      {$group: {_id: {
        year: {$year: '$Date'},
        month: {$month: '$Date'},
        day: {$dayOfMonth: '$Date'}
       }, Temp_PT100_1: {
            $avg: '$Temp_PT100_1'
          Temp_PT100_2: {
            $avg: '$Temp_PT100_2'
          pH_Value: {
            $avg: '$pH_Value'
          Bag_Height: {
            $avg: '$Bag_Height'
          count: {
            $sum: 1
      // It gets sorted by the year than the day
      { $sort: {'_id.year':1, '':1} }
    ], (err, result) => {
      if (err) {
      } else {


By using browserify we were able to work also in the frontend in modules. To keep structure in the project we had to this.

NPM scripts

To keep track and process files we made use of NPM scripts. Processing of the images to webp was also done I created the setup for this. In this file we created build and watch scripts. If you dont like to build the css and js you can put watch on.

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node ./bin/www",
    "start-update": "nodemon ./bin/www",
    "expose": "ngrok http 3000",
    "build-js": "mkdir -p public/js && browserify ./src/js/index.js -o ./public/js/index.js -t [ babelify --presets es2015 ]",
    "build-css": "mkdir -p public/css && node-sass --include-path scss src/scss/main.scss ./public/css/main.css",
    "build-webp": "node ./npm-scripts/webp.js",
    "build": "mkdir -p public/js && mkdir -p public/css && npm run build-js && npm run build-css",
    "watch-js": "mkdir -p public/js && watchify ./src/js/index.js -o ./public/js/index.js -t [ babelify --presets es2015 ]",
    "watch-css": "mkdir -p public/css && nodemon -e scss -x \"npm run build-css\"",
    "watch": "mkdir -p public/js && mkdir -p public/css && concurrently --kill-others \"npm run watch-js\" \"npm run watch-css\""
// Imports NPM packages to convert png and jpg images to WEBP
const imagemin = require('imagemin'); // The imagemin module.
const webp = require('imagemin-webp'); // imagemin's WebP plugin.

const outputFolder = '../public/images/'; // Output folder
const PNGImages = '../src/images/*.png'; // PNG images
const JPEGImages = '../src/images/*.jpg'; // JPEG images

imagemin([PNGImages], outputFolder, {
  plugins: [webp({
    lossless: true // Losslessly encode images

imagemin([JPEGImages], outputFolder, {
  plugins: [webp({
    quality: 65 // Quality setting from 0 to 100

Real-Time Web

We got a semi real time web experience. All the data collected from the biogas boat for time being is set on a sd-card. In the future they will upload a file via 2G to a FTP. We simulated this by creating our own FTP where we put the files on. I was in charge of getting the data from the FTP to mongo and delivering it to the end users (operators, website viewers and restaurant dashboard). In the picture below you are able to see the data flow. To give the team a better view of the flow I created this flow chart.

Data flow from boat to web

In this getFTPFiles.js file I was working for getting the files from FTP to the database.

All the way at the bottom you can get more information about getting data from the FTP.

Checking the latest file in the FTP for new data

// Get latest file inside the mongoDB sorted on Date.
function checkLatestFileForNewData(file) {
  const formattedDate = moment(file.split('.')[0], 'YYMMDD');
    Date: {
      $gte: formattedDate.toDate(),
      $lt: formattedDate.add(1, 'days').toDate()
    .exec((err, latestDataPoint) => {
      // With JSFtp download the latest file from the FTP inside the folder VALUE.
      new JSFtp(settingsFTP).get(`/uploads/VALUE/VALUE/${file}`, path.join(__dirname, `../data/ftp/VALUE/${file}`), hadErr => {
        if (hadErr) throw hadErr;
        // Read the file from where it was downloaded, ../data/ftp/VALUE/. Parse this to JSON
        fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `../data/ftp/VALUE/${file}`), (err, data) => {
          if (err) throw err;
          parse(data, {
            columns: ['Date', 'Time', 'Temp_PT100_1', 'Temp_PT100_2', 'pH_Value', 'Bag_Height']
          }, (err, parsedData) => {
            if (err) throw err;
            parsedData.shift(); // Remove headers from arrays
            // Change Date and Time to Date object, remove Time from object
            parsedData = => {
              dataPoint.Date = moment(`${dataPoint.Date} ${dataPoint.Time}`, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss').toDate();
              delete dataPoint.Time;
              return dataPoint;
            // Get all datapoints which have a higher Date then the Date from latestDataPoint. Add those files to mongo
            parsedData = parsedData.filter(dataPoint => dataPoint.Date > latestDataPoint[0].Date);
            if (parsedData.length > 0)

Backend realtime graph

In this function data is send to the frontend with This function was written by me, Sjoerd and Timo.

function webSokets(app, io) {
  // Setting paramerts for getting data out of the database
  const range = 1483225200;
  const inputRange = 1;
  const months = moment.duration(inputRange, 'months').valueOf();
  const startDate = moment(Number(range) * 1000);
  const endDate = moment(Number(startDate + months));
  // Query the database
    Date: {
      $gte: startDate.toDate(),
      $lt: endDate.toDate()
    .sort([['Date', 'ascending']])
    // Execute script after getting data
    .exec((err, dataPoints) => {
      // Setting variables for sending data to the frontend
      let i = 0;
      const sendItemsCount = 30;
      // Stop backend from spamming notifcations
      let sendTimeOutHigh = false;
      let sendTimeOutLow = false;

      // For simulating real-time this interval was made, resetting I when index is to high
      setInterval(() => {
        if (!dataPoints[i + sendItemsCount]) {
          i = 0;
        const dataCollection = [];
        // Looping over data collection and checking if bag height is in range.
        for (let x = 0; x < sendItemsCount; x++) {
          dataCollection.push(dataPoints[x + i]);
          if (dataPoints[x + i].Bag_Height >= usedValues[2].high) {
            if (dataPoints[x + i - 1].Bag_Height < usedValues[2].high && sendTimeOutHigh === false) {
              sendTimeOutHigh = true;
          } else if (dataPoints[x + i].Bag_Height <= usedValues[2].low) {
            if (dataPoints[x + i - 1].Bag_Height > usedValues[2].low && sendTimeOutLow === false) {
              sendTimeOutLow = true;

        i += 30;
        sendTimeOutHigh = false;
        sendTimeOutLow = false;
        // emitting the data to the frontend
        io.sockets.emit('dataPoint', dataCollection, config.tileStatus(dataPoints[i]));
      }, 50);

Web of Things

The BioGas boat has a lot of sensors on board. The operators and control panel need this to have an overlook about what is going on during the digestion process. On board are also different devices to help controlling the process, like heaters, mixers, feed pumps and blowers. To determine the efficiency in the boat, these are also included in the calculations. Below is a table of the various devices.

Sensor data


Device data

Date,Time,Storagetank_Mixe,Storagetank_Feed,Digester_Mixer,Digester_Heater_,Digester_Heater_,Gaspump,Mode_Stop, Mode_Manual,Mode_Auto,System_Started,Additive_Pump

Above are the first 2 lines from both used files.

At the start of this project we did not have a big data collection, we had to create some data ourselves I created a small bash script which was able to create 2 years of data from the single file we had.

# for date in 2015-02-{01..28} 2015-{04,06,09,11}-{01..30} 2015-{03,05,07,08,10,12}-{01..31}
# for date in 2017-02-{01..28} 2017-04-{01..30} 2017-{01,03,05}-{01..31}
for date in 2015-01-{02..31}
    year=$(printf "%02s" ${date:2:2})
    month=$(printf "%02s" ${date:5:2})
    day=$(printf "%02s" ${date:8:2})
    fileName=$(printf "%02s%02s%02s.csv\n" $year $month $day )
    cat ./150101.csv | awk -v year=$year -v month=$month -v day=$day -F ',' 'BEGIN{
        OFS = ","
        } {
            if (substr($1,1,1) == "D") {print $0}
            else {$1="";print day"-"month"-20"year$0}
            }' >> $fileName

RealTime-web & IOT

The project manager said that the data from the boat will be send with a 2G connection to the FTP server. This data will be uploaded every 30 minutes. In the script which can be seen below and at Real-Time Web the data will be downloaded if not yet in Mongo. The checkLatestFileForNewData will be checked evert 15 minutes for new data.

Script for syncing FTP with Mongo

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const JSFtp = require('jsftp');
const moment = require('moment');
const parse = require('csv-parse');
const config = require('./config');


const FTP = module.exports = config.ftp();

const checkForNewFilesIn = function (directoryKey) {
  // Get latest file in directory
  new JSFtp(FTP.setup).ls(FTP[directoryKey].directory, (err, res) => {
    const ftpFiles = =>;
    syncFTPwithMongoDatabase(directoryKey, ftpFiles);

function checkForNewLocalFiles(directoryKey) {
  // Check localy for new files if FTP is not working
  fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir), (err, files) => {
    files.forEach(file => {
      fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}${file}`), (err, data) => {
        if (err) throw err;
        parseFileDataToJSON(data, directoryKey);

function syncFTPwithMongoDatabase(directoryKey, ftpFiles) {
  // Check if the dates of the file names in mongo are also in MongoDB
  FTP[directoryKey].schema.distinct('Date', (err, date) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    // Get all possible schema dates and format them to YYMMDD which can be compared with the dates from FTP
    date = => {
      return moment(date, 'DD-MM-YYYY').format('YYMMDD');
    const uniqueDates = date.filter((date, index, array) => {
      return array.indexOf(date) === index;
    // Files not in mongo are the filenames which are not yet in mongo download them
    const filesNotInMongo = compareFTPDatesWithMongo(uniqueDates, ftpFiles);
    downloadMissingData(directoryKey, filesNotInMongo);

function compareFTPDatesWithMongo(datesInMongo, ftpFiles) {
   * If unique dates does include the file don't filter it from files.
  return ftpFiles.filter(file => {
    return !datesInMongo.includes(file.split('.')[0]);

function downloadMissingData(directoryKey, filesNotInMongo) {
  // Create directory if not exists
  if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, `${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}`))) fs.mkdirSync(path.join(__dirname, `${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}`));
  // Download each file which is not in mongo to the download directory
  filesNotInMongo.forEach(file => {
    new JSFtp(FTP.setup).get(`${FTP[directoryKey].directory}${file}`, path.join(__dirname, `${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}${file}`), hadErr => {
      if (hadErr) throw hadErr;
        fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}${file}`), (err, data) => {
          // Readfile parse it to json, add to mongo and remove it
          if (err) throw err;
          parseFileDataToJSON(data, directoryKey);
          removeDownloadedFTPFile(file, directoryKey);

function removeDownloadedFTPFile(file, directoryKey) {
  // Unlink downloaded file
  fs.unlink(path.join(__dirname, `.${FTP[directoryKey].downloadDir}${file}`));

function parseFileDataToJSON(data, directoryKey) {
  // Parse data from file to json
  parse(data, {
    delimiter: ';',
    columns: FTP[directoryKey].fileColumns
  }, (err, parsedData) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    parsedData.shift(); // Remove headers from arrays
    parsedData = => {
      // Convert Date & Time to Date object
      dataPoint.Date = moment(`${dataPoint.Date} ${dataPoint.Time}`, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss').add(1, 'hours').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
      delete dataPoint.Time;
      return dataPoint;
    addFileToMongo(parsedData, directoryKey);

function addFileToMongo(data, directoryKey) {
  // Insert whole json to mongo
    .then(mongooseDocuments => {})
    .catch(err => {

module.exports.checkForNewFilesIn = checkForNewFilesIn;
module.exports.checkForNewLocalFiles = checkForNewLocalFiles;
ftp: function() {
    const ftpSettings = {
      // This object contains all information needed to get the information out of the FTP into mongo
      setup: {
        host: process.env.FTP_SERVER,
        port: 21,
        user: process.env.FTP_USER,
        pass: process.env.FTP_PASS
      value: {
        directory: '/uploads/VALUE/VALUE/',
        downloadDir: '../data/ftp/VALUE/',
        schema: require('../models/dataPoint'),
        fileColumns: ['Date', 'Time', 'Temp_PT100_1', 'Temp_PT100_2', 'pH_Value', 'Bag_Height']
      status: {
        directory: '/uploads/STATUS/STATUS/',
        downloadDir: '../data/ftp/STATUS/',
        schema: require('../models/statusPoint'),
        fileColumns: ['Date', 'Time', 'Storagetank_Mixe', 'Storagetank_Feed', 'Digester_Mixer', 'Digester_Heater_1', 'Digester_Heater_2', 'Gaspump', 'Mode_Stop', 'Mode_Manual', 'Mode_Auto', 'System_Started', 'Additive_Pump']
    return ftpSettings;