Caches are used to hold objects in memory. A caches size is finite; If the system doesn't have enough memory, the cache must be purged or the program will crash. Least Recently Used (LRU) is a popular algorithm in cache design.
In this implementation of the LRU Cache, a size is declared during instantiation, and any insertions that go beyond the size will purge the least recently used element of the cache. A priority queue is used to enforce this behavior.
The key to the LRU cache is the priority queue. For simplicity, you'll model the queue using a linked list. All interactions with the LRU cache should respect this queue; Calling get
and set
should update the priority queue to reflect the most recently accessed element.
Each time we access an element, either set
or get
we need to insert the element in the head of priority list. We use a helper method to handle this procedure:
private func insert(_ key: KeyType, val: Any) {
cache[key] = val
priority.insert(key, atIndex: 0)
guard let first = priority.first else {
key2node[key] = first
When the cache is full, a purge must take place starting with the least recently used element. In this case, we need to remove
the lowest priority node. The operation is like this:
private func remove(_ key: KeyType) {
guard let node = key2node[key] else {
Removing elements from the priority queue is a frequent operation for the LRU cache. Since priority queue is modelled using a linked list, this is an expensive operation that costs O(n)
time. This is the bottleneck for both the set
and get
To help alleviate this problem, a hash table is used to store the references of each node:
private var key2node: [KeyType: LinkedList<KeyType>.LinkedListNode<KeyType>] = [:]
Written for the Swift Algorithm Club by Kai Chen, with additions by Kelvin Lau