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Commit 5a6cdae

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Created .swift-version
This is to give let the pod spec validator know which Swift version to use otherwise we get the warning: ```shell $ pod spec lint ReactiveReSwift.podspec -> ReactiveReSwift (4.0.0) - WARN | swift_version: The validator for Swift projects uses Swift 3.0 by default, if you are using a different version of swift you can use a `.swift-version` file to set the version for your Pod. For example to use Swift 2.3, run: `echo "2.3" > .swift-version` Analyzed 1 podspec. [!] The spec did not pass validation, due to 1 warning (but you can use `--allow-warnings` to ignore it). ```
1 parent f6508e3 commit 5a6cdae

File tree

1 file changed

lines changed

1 file changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

0 commit comments
