1 | 1 | import Combine
2 | 2 |
3 |
| -/// A dependency injection structure where you transform raw actions, into refined actions which are sent to the store's `Reducer`. |
4 |
| -/// |
5 |
| -/// The middleware is where you handle side effects, asynchronous calls, and generally code which interacts with the outside world (ie: making a network call, loading app data from disk, getting the user's current location), and also aggregate operations like resetting the state. Much like the rest of Recombine, `Middleware` harnesses Combine and its publishers to represent these interactions. |
6 |
| -/// |
7 |
| -///`Middleware` is generic over 3 types: |
8 |
| -/// * `State`: The data structure which represents the current app state. |
9 |
| -/// * `Input`: Most commonly raw actions, this is the value that will be transformed into the `Output`. |
10 |
| -/// * `Output`: Most commonly refined actions, this is the result of the `Input`'s transformation, which is then sent to the store's `Reducer` |
11 |
| -/// |
12 |
| -/// When creating the middleware, you pass in the `State`, `Input`, and `Output` in the angle brackets, and then a closure which takes two arguments – a publisher of `State`, the `Input`, and which returns an `AnyPublisher` of the `Output`. |
13 |
| -/// |
14 |
| -/// Critically, you don't have access to the current state itself – only a "stream" where you can send refined actions. |
15 |
| -/// |
16 |
| -/// Because you need to return an `AnyPublisher`, you usually make your asynchronous calls using Combine publishers, which you can `flatMap(_:)` into the `statePublisher` to return a refined action. It is recommended to make publisher extensions on common types which don't already have one, like `FileManager` or `CLLocationManager`. |
17 |
| -/// |
18 |
| -/// For example, a middleware which handles making a network call and resetting the app's state: |
19 |
| -/// |
20 |
| -/// static let middleware = Middleware<State, Action.Raw, Action.Refined> { statePublisher, action -> AnyPublisher<Action.Refined, Never> in |
21 |
| -/// switch action { |
22 |
| -/// case let networkCall(url): |
23 |
| -/// URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: url) |
24 |
| -/// .map(\.data) |
25 |
| -/// .decode(type: MyModel.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) |
26 |
| -/// .replaceError(with: MyModel()) |
27 |
| -/// .flatMap { myModel in |
28 |
| -/// statePublisher.map { _ in |
29 |
| -/// return .setModel(myModel) |
30 |
| -/// } |
31 |
| -/// } |
32 |
| -/// .eraseToAnyPublisher() |
33 |
| -/// } |
34 |
| -/// case resetAppState: |
35 |
| -/// return [ |
36 |
| -/// .setModel(MyModel.empty), |
37 |
| -/// .usernameModification(.delete)) |
38 |
| -/// ] |
39 |
| -/// .publisher |
40 |
| -/// .eraseToAnyPublisher() |
41 |
| -/// } |
42 |
| -/// } |
43 |
| -/// In the code above, the network call is made in the form of `URLSession`'s `dataTaskPublisher(for:)`. We decode the data and change the publisher's error type using `replaceError(with:)` (since the returned `AnyPublisher`'s error type must be `Never` – this can be done with other operators like `catch(:)` and `mapError(_:)`). |
44 |
| -/// |
45 |
| -/// Then, we replace the `URLSession` publisher with the `statePublisher` using `flatMap(_:)`, which itself returns a refined action: `.setModel(MyModel)`. |
46 |
| -/// |
47 |
| -/// This middleware also handles an aggregate operation, resetting the app state. It simply returns an array of refined actions, which is turned into a publisher using the `publisher` property on the `Sequence` protocol. |
48 |
| -public struct Middleware<State, Input, Output> { |
49 |
| - public typealias StatePublisher = Publishers.First<Published<State>.Publisher> |
50 |
| - public typealias Transform<Result> = (StatePublisher, Output) -> Result |
51 |
| - /// The closure which takes in the `StatePublisher` and `Input`, and transforms it into an `AnyPublisher<Output, Never>`; the heart of the middleware. |
52 |
| - internal let transform: (StatePublisher, Input) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Never> |
| 3 | +/// Middleware is a structure that allows you to transform refined actions, filter them, or add to them, |
| 4 | +/// Refined actions produced by Middleware are then forwarded to the main reducer. |
| 5 | +public struct Middleware<State, Action> { |
| 6 | + public typealias Function = (State, Action) -> [Action] |
| 7 | + public typealias Transform<Result> = (State, Action) -> Result |
| 8 | + internal let transform: Function |
53 | 9 |
54 |
| - /// Create an empty passthrough `Middleware.` |
55 |
| - /// |
56 |
| - /// The input type must be equivalent to the output type. |
57 |
| - /// |
58 |
| - ///For example: |
59 |
| - /// |
60 |
| - /// static let passthroughMiddleware = Middleware<State, Action.Refined, Action.Refined>() |
61 |
| - public init() where Input == Output { |
62 |
| - self.transform = { Just($1).eraseToAnyPublisher() } |
| 10 | + /// Create a passthrough Middleware. |
| 11 | + public init() { |
| 12 | + transform = { [$1] } |
63 | 13 | }
64 | 14 |
65 |
| - /// Initialises the middleware with a closure which handles transforming the raw actions and returning refined actions. |
66 |
| - /// - parameter transform: The closure which takes a publisher of `State`, and the `Middleware`'s `Input`, and returns a publisher who's output is the `Middleware`'s `Output`. |
67 |
| - /// |
68 |
| - /// The `transform` closure takes two parameters: |
69 |
| - /// * A publisher wrapping over the state that was passed into the `Middleware`'s angle brackets. |
70 |
| - /// * The middleware's input – most commonly raw actions. |
71 |
| - /// |
72 |
| - /// The closure then returns a publisher who's output is equivalent to the `Middleware`'s `Output` – most commonly refined actions. |
73 |
| - /// |
74 |
| - /// For example: |
75 |
| - /// |
76 |
| - /// static let middleware = Middleware<State, Action.Raw, Action.Refined> { statePublisher, action -> AnyPublisher<Action.Refined, Never> in |
77 |
| - /// switch action { |
78 |
| - /// case let findCurrentLocation(service): |
79 |
| - /// CLLocationManager.currentLocationPublisher(service: service) |
80 |
| - /// .map { LocationModel(location: $0) } |
81 |
| - /// .flatMap { location in |
82 |
| - /// statePublisher.map { _ in |
83 |
| - /// return .setLocation(to: location) |
84 |
| - /// } |
85 |
| - /// } |
86 |
| - /// .catch { err in |
87 |
| - /// return Just(.locationError(err)) |
88 |
| - /// } |
89 |
| - /// .eraseToAnyPublisher() |
90 |
| - /// For a more detailed explanation, go to the `Middleware` documentation. |
91 |
| - public init<P: Publisher>( |
92 |
| - _ transform: @escaping (StatePublisher, Input) -> P |
93 |
| - ) where P.Output == Output, P.Failure == Never { |
94 |
| - self.transform = { transform($0, $1).eraseToAnyPublisher() } |
| 15 | + /// Initialises the middleware with a transformative function. |
| 16 | + /// - parameter transform: The function that will be able to modify passed actions. |
| 17 | + public init<S: Sequence>( |
| 18 | + _ transform: @escaping (State, Action) -> S |
| 19 | + ) where S.Element == Action { |
| 20 | + self.transform = { .init(transform($0, $1)) } |
95 | 21 | }
96 | 22 |
97 |
| - /// Adds two middlewares together, concatenating the passed-in middleware's closure to the caller's own closure. |
98 |
| - /// - Parameter other: The other middleware, who's `State`, `Input`, and `Output` must be equivalent to the callers'. |
99 |
| - /// - Returns: A `Middleware` who's closure is the result of concatenating the caller's closure and the passed in middleware's closure. |
100 |
| - /// |
101 |
| - /// Use this function when you want to break up your middleware code to make it more compositional. |
102 |
| - /// |
103 |
| - /// For example: |
104 |
| - /// |
105 |
| - /// static let middleware = Middleware<State, Action.Raw, Action.Refined> { statePublisher, action -> AnyPublisher<Action.Refined, Never> in |
106 |
| - /// switch action { |
107 |
| - /// case loadAppData: |
108 |
| - /// FileManager.default.loadPublisher(from: "appData.json", in: .applicationSupportDirectory) |
109 |
| - /// .decode(type: State.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) |
110 |
| - /// // etc... |
111 |
| - /// default: |
112 |
| - /// break |
113 |
| - /// } |
114 |
| - /// } |
115 |
| - /// .concat( |
116 |
| - /// Middleware<State, Action.Raw, Action.Refined> { statePublisher, action -> AnyPublisher<Action.Refined, Never> in |
117 |
| - /// switch action { |
118 |
| - /// case let displayBluetoothPeripherals(services: services): |
119 |
| - /// CBCentralManager.peripheralsPublisher(services: services) |
120 |
| - /// .map(\.peripheralName) |
121 |
| - /// // etc... |
122 |
| - /// default: |
123 |
| - /// break |
124 |
| - /// ) |
125 |
| - public func concat<Result>(_ other: Middleware<State, Output, Result>) -> Middleware<State, Input, Result> { |
| 23 | + /// Concatenates the transform function of the passed `Middleware` onto the callee's transform. |
| 24 | + public func concat(_ other: Self) -> Self { |
126 | 25 | .init { state, action in
127 | 26 | self.transform(state, action).flatMap {
128 | 27 | other.transform(state, $0)
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