This backend is to serve (data to) the UI for Policies
For some functionality it relies on the Engine part.
To get started (locally) you can run Docker-Compose, which starts Postgres and a local Kafka instance for use with the Engine.
cd helpers
docker-compose up
The UI backend is written in Java and can be compiled via
./mvnw package
Which also runs some Rest-API tests (under the hood it starts a postgres instance in a container).
When developing you can use Quarkus hot-reload
./mvnw compile quarkus:dev
The backend requires a valid x-rh-identity to be supplied on calls.
For testing purposes you can take the one that is stored in
link:src/test/resources/rhid.txt It has accountId = '1234' set.
curl -Hx-rh-identity:`cat src/test/resources/rhid.txt` http://localhost:8080/api/policies/v1.0/policies
By default this uses paging with a page-size of 10. Default sorting is by mtime (last updated, descending). You can select different pages, page sizes and sorting with the following query parameters:
Parameter | Default | Comment |
page |
0 |
Page numbers start at 0 |
pageSize |
10 |
sortColumn |
mtime |
Sort can happen by column names ("name", "description", "is_enabled", "mtime") |
sortDirection |
desc |
Allowed values : asc, desc |
curl -Hx-rh-identity:`cat src/test/resources/rhid.txt` http://localhost:8080/api/policies/v1.0/policies?page=5
A header TotalCount
returns the total number of policies.
curl -Hx-rh-identity:`cat src/test/resources/rhid.txt` http://localhost:8080/api/policies/v1.0/facts
A POST to the /policies endpoint validates and potentially stores a passed policy.
curl -i -HContent-Type:application/json \
-Hx-rh-identity:`cat src/test/resources/rhid.txt` -XPOST \
-d @src/test/resources/example-policy.json \
This sends the policy from the file 'example-policy.json' to the server for validation. By default this does not store the policy.
To also store the policy, one needs to pass ?alsoStore=true
as query parameter in the url.
Validation of a policy requires the engine to be up and reachable.
OpenAPI spec of the API is available under http://localhost:8080/api/policies/v1.0/openapi.json
When the server is running in dev mode, there is also the Swagger-UI available under http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/