#Nginx Boilerplate Awesome Nginx configuration template and a set of handy must-have snippets.
- Convenient include-based config structure
- Optimized defaults
- Connection and requests rate limitation settings
- Backend response caching
- Various predefined locations
- Advanced logging
- Update the "root" directive in src/sites/default.conf
- (optional) Update the "user" directive in src/nginx-bp/system.conf
- (optional) Make sure "user" has access to the locations specified in src/nginx-bp/system.conf (access logs, php socket, fastcgi tmp dirs)
- (optional) Check src/nginx-bp/upstreams/php.conf to match your php-fpm setup (socket vs TCP/IP)
- Run build/run.sh as privileged user to restart Nginx in boilerplate mode
- Go to http://localhost/ (or http://your_etc_hostname/, or
- Copy the contents of src/ to your nginx config directory (usually /etc/nginx)
- (optional) Update the "user" directive in src/system.conf if needed
- (optional) Make sure "user" has access to the specified in src/nginx-bp/system.conf locations
- (optional) Check src/nginx-bp/upstreams/php.conf to match your php-fpm setup (socket vs TCP/IP)
- Create/migrate your vhosts to sites/
- (optional) To disable a site change its config's file extention to anything other than .conf
- Check the contents of /var/log/nginx/default.error.log
- Create an issue on the project's github page