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PublishKit and Related Types

This package provides an abstraction for production and consumption of asynchronous value sequences, the PublishKit, along with similar but deprecated types NotifierKit and SubscriptionKit. All three let a service notify clients of state changes.

In JavaScript, async iterations are interacted with by means of AsyncGenerators, AsyncIterables, and AsyncIterators. For an introduction to these concepts and implementations, see here.

This content elaborates on user documentation to more precisely describe the semantics and distributed system properties of the types.

Distributed Asynchronous Iteration

An async iteration is an abstract sequence of values. It consists of zero or more non-final values in a fully ordered sequence, revealed asynchronously over time. In other words, the values have a full ordering, and all consumers see the whole sequence, or a subset of it, in the same order.

The sequence may continue indefinitely or may terminate in one of two ways:

  • Finish: The async iteration successfully completes and reports a final completion value, which can be any JavaScript value.
  • Fail: The async iteration fails and gives a reported final reason. This should be an error object, but can be any JavaScript value.

Finish and Fail are final values. To avoid possible confusion, for iteration values in this doc, "final" and "non-final" merely refer to position in an iteration, and not "final" in the sense of the Java keyword or similar.

Type Differences

makePublishKit() makes a { publisher, subscriber } pair, while makeSubscriptionKit() makes a similar { publication, subscription } pair and makeNotifierKit() makes a similar { updater, notifier } pair. publisher and publication and updater each produce an async iteration which can be consumed using the respective corresponding subscriber and subscription and notifier.

notifier and subscription both directly implement the JavaScript AsyncIterable interface to consume the iteration (and the { subscribeAfter, getUpdateSince } Subscriber interface of subscriber can be sent to adaptor functions such as subscribeEach and subscribeLatest for translation to AsyncIterable). updater and publication both implement the { updateState, finish, fail } IterationObserver interface defined in this package, and publisher implements an analogous { publish, finish, fail } Publisher interface (JavaScript has no standard for producing iterations). Note that Publisher and IterationObserver provide only the ability to produce the iteration, while Subscriber AsyncIterable provide only the ability to consume the iteration.


An iteration subset may be a valid iteration. The types are each organized around a different way of subsetting one iteration into another.


A NotifierKit notifier generates lossy "sampling subsets" of the iteration produced by its corresponding updater. Different consumers may see different sampling subsets.

An iteration’s sampling subset:

  • May omit some of the original iteration’s non-final values.
  • All sampling subset non-final values are in the original’s non-final values in the same order.
  • The original and the subset both have the same termination.
  • Once an original iteration value is available, either that value or a later one will become available on each sampling subset promptly, i.e. eventually and without waiting on any other manual steps. In other words, If a value 'a' is introduced on the producer end, then all clients either promptly see 'a', or won't see 'a' but will promptly see a successor. So if two values are added in succession, the first might not be visible to all consumers. But if a value is added and nothing follows for a while, then that value must be distributed promptly to the consumers.


A SubscriptionKit subscription generates fully lossless sampling subsets of the iteration produced by its corresponding publication, although consumers can also opt in (or be restricted) to forward-lossless sampling in which they see each value starting with the current value at the time when consumption starts. Since each published value will be sent to all subscribers, the SubscriptionKit should generally not be used with rapidly produced values (and since SubscriptionKit requires permanently keeping all values, it should generally not be used at all).

The suffix subset of a forward-lossless iteration is defined by its starting point in the original iteration.

  • A starting point may be a non-final value or a termination.
  • The suffix subset has exactly the original iteration’s members from its starting point to and including its termination (e.g. if the original is { 2 5 9 13 Fail } with Fail as the termination and a starting point at 9, the subset is { 9 13 Fail }).
  • When a value becomes available on the original iteration, it promptly becomes available on every suffix subset whose starting point is at or before that value (e.g. if the original is { 2 5 9 13 Fail } and 9 becomes available, 9 promptly becomes available to any suffix subset with a starting point of 2, 5, or 9. It does not become available to any subset starting at 13 or Fail).

The values published using the publication define the original iteration. Each consumer has a starting point in that iteration and provides access to a suffix subset from that starting point. The initial subscription created by the makeSubscriptionKit() call provides the entire iteration.


A PublishKit subscriber generates forward-lossless sampling subsets of the iteration produced by its corresponding publisher, although consumers can also opt in (or be restricted) to lossy sampling. This flexibility is why NotifierKit and SubscriptionKit are deprecated in favor of PublishKit.

Use Cases

If your consumers need gap-free access to a sequence of values, support forward-lossless or fully lossless iteration. Otherwise, support lossy iteration. The latter is often appropriate when the iteration represents a changing quantity, like a purse balance, and a consumer updating a UI that doesn't care to hear about any older non-final values, as they are more stale. PublishKit and NotifierKit are optimized for that, as non-final values are only communicated at the rate they're being consumed (bounded by the network round-trip time) and all other non-final values are never communicated.


Let’s look at a subscription example. We have three characters: Paula the publisher, and Alice and Bob the subscribers. While Alice and Bob both consume Paula's published iteration, they use different tools to do so.

First we create a publication/subscription pair with makeSubscriptionKit(). Paula publishes an iteration with the sequence 'a', 'b', and then terminates it with 'done' as the completion value.

const { publication, subscription } = makeSubscriptionKit();
// Paula the publisher says

You can use the JavaScript AsyncIterable interface directly, but both the JavaScript for-await-of syntax and the observeIteration adaptor are more convenient.

Subscriber Alice consumes the iteration using a for-await-of loop. She can see the non-final values and whether the iteration completes or fails. She can see a failure reason, but the for-await-of syntax does not let her see the completion value 'done'. While she can write code that only executes after the loop finishes, that code won’t know if the completion value was “done”, “completed”, or something else. This is a limitation of JavaScript's iteration, whether asynchronous or synchronous (as consumed by a for-of loop).

const consume = async subscription => {
  try {
    for await (const val of subscription) {
      console.log('non-final', val);
    console.log('the iteration finished');
  } catch (reason) {
    console.log('the iteration failed', reason);
// eventually prints
// non-final a
// non-final b
// the iteration finished

Subscriber Bob consumes using the observeIteration(asyncIterableP, iterationObserver) adaptor.

const observer = harden({
  updateState: val => console.log('non-final', val),
  finish: completion => console.log('finished', completion),
  fail: reason => console.log('failed', reason),
observeIteration(subscription, observer);
// eventually prints
// non-final a
// non-final b
// finished done

The iterators associated with subscription and iterables from subscribeEach and subscribeLatest adaptors further implement a ForkableAsyncIterable interface allowing them to produce any number of ForkableAsyncIterators that each advance independently from a starting point that is the current position of the parent ForkableAsyncIterator at the time of calling fork().

Carol's code is like Bob's except lower level, using the ForkableAsyncIterable interface directly.

import { makePromiseKit } from '@endo/promise-kit';

const subscriptionIterator = subscription[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
const { promise: afterA, resolve: afterAResolve } = makePromiseKit();

const observer = harden({
  updateState: val => {
    if (val === 'a') {
    console.log('non-final', val);
  finish: completion => console.log('finished', completion),
  fail: reason => console.log('failed', reason),

observeIterator(subscriptionIterator, observer);
// eventually prints
// non-final a
// non-final b
// finished done

// afterA is a Promise<ForkableAsyncIterator> so we use observeIterator on it.
observeIterator(afterA, observer);
// eventually prints
// non-final b
// finished done

Remember that SubscriptionKits are fully lossless. Each one conveys all of an async iteration’s non-final values, as well as the final value.

On the other hand, NotifierKit is a lossy conveyor of non-final values, but does also losslessly convey termination. Had the example above started with the following instead of using makeSubscriptionKit(),

const { updater: publication, notifier: subscription } = makeNotifierKit();

The code is still correct. However, Alice and Bob may each have missed either or both of the non-final values due to NotifierKit’s lossy nature.

On yet another hand (🤷), the subscriber of a Publication includes both a subscribeAfter(publishCount?) method for forward-lossless iteration and a getUpdateSince(publishCount?) method for lossy iteration. publishCount is a gap-free sequence of bigints that starts at 1 for the first result.

Distributed Operation

PublishKits, NotifierKits, and SubscriptionKits can all be used in a multicast manner with good distributed systems properties, where there is only one producing site but any number of consuming sites. The producer is not vulnerable to the consumers; they cannot cause the kit to malfunction or prevent the code producing values from making progress. The consumers are not vulnerable to each other; one can’t cause other consumers to hang or miss values.

For distributed operation, all the iteration values---non-final values, successful completion value, failure reason---must be Passable; values that can somehow be passed between vats. The rest of this doc assumes all these values are Passable.

The makePublishKit() or makeNotifierKit() or makeSubscriptionKit() call makes the producer/consumer pair on the producer's site. But if Producer Paula sends Consumer Bob the subscriber/notifier/subscription, Bob receives a possibly-remote reference to it. Consumers of an iteration can be remote from its producer.

Bob's code above is still correct if he uses this reference directly, since observeIteration only needs its first argument to be a reference of some sort to an AsyncIterable conveying Passable values. This reference may be a local AsyncIterable, a local presence of a remote AsyncIterable, or a promise for a local or remote AsyncIterable. observeIteration only sends it eventual messages using E, and so doesn't care about those differences.

While correct, Bob’s code is sub-optimal. Its distributed systems properties are not terrible, but Bob does better using getSharableSubscriptionInternals() (provided by SubscriptionKit). This lets Bob make a local AsyncIterable that coordinates better with Producer Paula's IterationObserver.

Subscriber Alice's above code is less forgiving. She's using JavaScript's for-await-of loop which requires a local AsyncIterable. It cannot handle a remote reference to an AsyncIterable at Paula's site. Alice must make an AsyncIterable at her site by using getSharableSubsciptionInternals(). She can replace her call to consume(subscription) with:

import { makeSubscription } from '@agoric/notifier';

const localSubscription =

The above used a SubscriptionKit. NotifierKits have a similar pair of a getSharableNotifierInternals method and a makeNotifier. However, this technique requires that Alice know what kind of possibly-remote AsyncIterable she has, and to have the required making function code locally available.

Alternatively, Alice can generically mirror any possibly remote AsyncIterable by making a new local pair and plugging them together with observeIteration.

const {
  publication: adapterPublication,
  subscription: adapterSubscription
} = makeSubscriptionKit();
observeIteration(subscription, adapterPublication);

This works when subscription is a reference to any AsyncIterable. If Alice only needs to consume in a lossy manner, she can use makeNotifierKit() instead, which still works independently of what kind of AsyncIterable subscription is a reference to.

It is also possible to use subscribeEach for forward-lossless consumption of a subscriber or subscription, and subscribeLatest for lossy consumption of a subscriber or notifier.


Data producers must decide whether to support fully lossless, forward-lossless, and/or lossy consumption. If your consumers only care about more recent states, then use a PublishKit subscriber.getUpdateSince or a NotifierKit. This is often appropriate when the iteration represents a changing quantity. If you want to support consumers that need to see gap-free values, then use a PublishKit subscriber.subscribeAfter or a SubscriptionKit.

Consumers can choose different ways of processing the sequence. In all cases, the publisher doesn't have to know the consumers, and the consumers can't interfere with the producer or with each other.