I'm a 6th semester Computer Science student at CETYS University, building the best version of myself, one step at a time. I love to learn new things, always looking for new challenges to overcome and new ways to improve my skills.
Being president of @STACK allows me to connect to professors and the community, so I can help others to grow as developers.
As for projects, I'm currently kick-starting my freelancing services as software development, and a few other projects I'll be sharing soon.
My journey starts in 2021, when I decided to apply for Computer Science at CETYS University. Truth be told, one week before I had to choose my career I was thinking about Mechanical Engineering. I've always liked computers and thought CS would be a better fit for me. Although I had no prior coding experience, now I can confidently say I made the right choice.
First semester: I started getting my feet wet into the world of coding, learning the basics of Python. I also started learning how to use GitHub and Git, which I still use to this day. My main project was a Discord bot with the use of the discord.py library. This is what allowed me to gather all the knowledge I had learned during the semester and apply it to a real project.
Second semester: I started learning C++ and C, with object oriented programming being the main topic of this semester. I created a terminal program for hospital management that allowed me to create, read, update, and delete information about doctors and patients.
Third semester: I learned about Data Structures. The stereotypical information you hear about software development interviews: linked lists, stacks, sorting systems, graphs, etc. This is also the time when I started @STACK, a programming focused student club.
Fourth semester: At this time I got to learn about graphics and visualization, as well as analysis of algorithms (time complexity stuff). Outside of school I also started learning Swift, which is what I'm currently focusing on for participating on Apple's Swift Student Challenge.
Fifth semester: This is where I started learning about Machine Learning. I created a program that would detect the user's emotions based on their facial expressions. I also gained some skills regarding project management, as I was the project manager for a team of 5 people.
This is only the beginning, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. I cannot wait to see what I'll be able to accomplish in the future.
Impossible is nothing.