This package provides functions to run a optimal power shutoff on a power grid.
The package is currently unregistered. You can add the package using the command:
Pkg> add
Below is a basic example of using the OPS problem.
using PowerModels, PowerModelsWildfire
using Cbc
case = parse_file(file)
case["risk_weight"] = 0.15 # weight <0.5 prefers load
solution = PowerModelsWildfire.run_risky_opf(case, DCPPowerModel, Cbc.Optimizer);
This requires having risk values for each component. These can be added directly to a matpower file as seen in the test networks in PowerModelsWildfire/Test/networks. Alternatively, they can be added to the PowerModels dictionary by adding the key "power_risk"
and "base_risk"
to each component.
for comp_type in ["bus","gen","branch","load"]
for (comp_id, comp) in case[comp_type]
comp["power_risk"] = component_risk_value
comp["base_risk"] = background_risk_value