This adds Uservoice support to your Rails application including single sign-on.
gem install uservoice --source
config.gem 'uservoice', :source => ''
./script/plugin install
Generate files for your app:
./script/generate uservoice <key> <forum> [<api_key>]
Where <key> is the Uservoice account name and <forum> the id of your main forum. Find both settings in widgets section of the admin interface of Uservoice. Your API key <api_key> can be found in the API section of the admin documentation.
Default properties are stored in a file named uservoice.yml in the config directory of your Rails application. Make it fitting to your needs.
Add javascript function and configuration to HTML HEAD section of your template file:
<%= uservoice_config_javascript %>
You can override default uservoice settings in your view:
<%= uservoice_config_javascript(:alignment => 'right', :forum => 12983) %>
Single sign-on authenticates your users automatically against the Uservoice service. A second login is not needed any more.
Uservoice is allowing single sign-on starting from the Bronze plan.
To use single sign-on with on uservoice you have to set your api_key in config/uservoice.yml. Find it on
The user properties can be set via the :sso parameter.
<%= uservoice_config_javascript(:sso => {:guid =>, :email =>}) %>
Parameter :guid should be unique identifier, for example the user id in your system. Uservoice recommends setting :email parameter to enable users to get updates and notifications via email. See for a list of parameters available.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
This project is using Semantic Versioning.
Copyright © 2010 il tempo - Alexander Greim, released under the MIT license