SIP to Mumble gateway based on PJSIP stack and mumlib library. It registers to SIP registrar and listens for incoming connections on the SIP account.
This enables the user to participate in Mumble conference using SIP client or perhaps ordinary telephone, by VoIP provider.
- Boost libraries
- log4cpp
- pjsua2 from Pjproject SIP stack
- CMake
- mumlib -
Install all needed dependencies
Clone and compile Mumlib library. Since it doesn't have any installer, clone it to common directory:
mkdir mumsi-dist && cd mumsi-dist
git clone
mkdir mumlib/build && cd mumlib/build
cmake ..
cd -
- Then clone and build Mumsi:
git clone
mkdir mumsi/build && cd mumsi/build
cmake ..
- Copy example config.ini file and edit it according to your needs:
cp config.ini.example config.ini
Remember to add URIs which you want to make calls from. Calls from other URIs won't be answered.
- To run the service, type:
./mumsi config.ini
remember to allow incoming connections on port 5060 UDP in your firewall
PJSIP packages in some distributions require to have a sound card in your system, which can be an issue on the server. In this case, use snd-dummy sound module.
- multiple simultaneous connections
- outgoing connections
- text chat commands
2015 Michał Słomkowski. The code is published under the terms of Apache License 2.0.