Popular channels are listed below. To see a comprehensive list of channels, click on channel browser in the University of London's Slack workspace.
There is a channel available for each new cohort:
(private) -april2019batcharchive
- ...
Channel | Purpose |
#hackathons |
Organise coding challenges |
#hacking |
Ethical hacking / general InfoSec stuff |
#introductions |
Introduce yourself to your new course mates |
#journal-club |
Read and discuss research papers |
#memes |
Share all the dank memes |
#music |
Off topic discussion about music |
#pets |
For a bit of furry, feathery or scaly relief |
#photography |
Share your favorite photos and view those from others |
#polyglots |
If you are into learning languages other than programming ones |
#personal-programming-projects |
A place to share, discuss, and improve personal programming projects |
#random |
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you'd prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels |
#rate-my-setup |
A place to discuss computing setups |
#retrocomputing |
For those who think that modern computers are too fast. Here we can show our C64-programs, our EBCDIC-skills and ask questions about the Motorola 68000 CPU. |
#space |
Space exploration, astrophysics and astronomy (or maybe you're just a Trek-kie) |
#today-i-learned |
Share briefly what you learned today |
#uol_game-jam |
Group for organising game jams |
Channel | Purpose |
#advanceddegree |
Everything related to advanced degree(s) |
#askpreviouscohorts |
Asking previous cohorts questions related to the programme |
#bookworm |
What the great minds of this world are reading |
#bugs |
When you see a bug, report it here so we can all collectively flag it and speed up the process of cleaning up the course content |
#calculus-by-spivak |
Study group dedicated to Spivak's Calculus, 4th Edition |
#channel-discovery |
Find great new channels related to our degree |
#cloud-computing |
This is a channel for enthusiasts of GCP, AWS and Azure |
#cs-professionals |
Gathering for professionals from computer science & engineering industry |
#entrepreneurs |
A channel for entrepreneurs or wannabe entrepreneurs to collaborate and help each other |
#free-stuff |
Free stuff to share with others. How have you used your student card etc? |
#functional |
Since functional programming is becoming kind of a mandatory skill in many companies and since it is not easy to be good at it, maybe we want to share thoughts, links, ideas, know-how, blogs, presentations, designs, patterns etc. |
#general |
This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements. All members are in this channel. |
#hardware |
For questions, advice, reviews of all sorts of hardware. Whether you are looking to complain about video card prices, or to buy, fix, hack or just get excited about a device, here's the place. |
#html-and-css |
To discuss and questions about web development. |
#job_opportunities |
To share IT job opportunities |
#latex |
Share examples and ask questions about the LaTeX typesetting system |
#linear-algebra |
Extra-curricular activity |
#linux |
A channel for Linux related discussions |
#live-sessions |
Study in live sessions with your peers, making the most of our collective intelligence |
#maths |
To share interesting math problems |
#newbies |
Discussion about programming fundamentals, for programming newbies |
#notes |
Sharing different notes not only from uni or links to other uni open lectures |
#uol-announcements |
Please post any helpful conversations with SRMs or communication from UoL here. Use threads and try to keep things searchable. (Add textual descriptions). A fair warning: even though the name says official. Nothing posted here is binding in any way. Formerly #official-communications |
#open_source_collaborations |
For UoL students to collaborate together on projects they may want to use for portfolios or building future businesses |
#pair-programming |
Find partners to work with on programming problems |
#podcasts |
Listen your way to success while being entertained |
#repl |
Shaping the future of the REPL with a flow of ideas |
#resources |
Post useful learning resources here |
#reviewexchange |
For those that need a peer review to review each other |
#rpl-hcw-google-it |
For discussing Google IT professional Certificate |
#studytips_and_tools |
Share study tips, methods, apps that might help others |
#teachyourselfcs |
Discussions related to the roadmap provided by teachyourselfcs.com, Find Resources on https://teachyourselfcs-uol.btofficiel.now.sh |
#transfer-to-on-campus |
For everyone considering transferring to an on-campus degree |
#vent |
We know that sometimes, you need to let off steam. Instead of cluttering other channels, it makes more sense to have a dedicated channel to just venting |
#webinars |
Automatic announcements for upcoming webinars |
All channels starting with #asg
for Accountable Study Groups.
Channel | Module name |
#cm1005-intro-prog-i |
Introduction to programming I |
#cm1010-intro-prog-ii |
Introduction to programming II |
#cm1015-computational-math |
Computational mathematics |
#cm1020-discrete-math |
Discrete mathematics |
#cm1025-fundamental-cs |
Fundamentals of computer science |
#cm1030-hcw * |
How computers work |
#cm1035-algos-data-i |
Algorithms and data structures I |
#cm1040-web-dev |
Web development |
* This module can be skipped with RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). See the channel #rpl-hcw-google-it
and the FAQ here.
Channel | Module name |
#cm2005-object-oriented-programming |
Object Oriented Programming |
#cm2010-software-design-development |
Software Design and Development |
#cm2015-programming-with-data |
Programming with Data |
#cm2020-agile-software-projects |
Agile Software Projects |
#cm2025-computer-security |
Computer Security |
#cm2030-graphics-programming |
Graphics Programming |
#cm2035-algos-data-ii |
Algorithms and data structures II |
#cm2040-databases-networks-web |
Databases, Networks and the Web |
Channel | Module name |
#cm3005-data-science |
Data Science |
#cm3010-databases-advanced-data-techniques |
Databases and Advanced Data Techniques |
#cm3015-machine-learning-and-neural-networks |
Machine Learning and Neural Networks |
#cm3020-artificial-intelligence |
Artificial Intelligence |
#cm3025-virtual-reality |
Virtual Reality |
#cm3030-games-development |
Games Development |
#cm3035-adv-web-dev |
Advanced Web Development |
#cm3040-physical-computing-internet-of-things |
Physical Computing and the Internet of Things |
#cm3045-3d-graphics-animation |
3D Graphics and Animation |
#cm3050-mobile-development |
Mobile Development |
#cm3055-interaction-design |
Interaction Design |
#cm3060-natural-language-processing |
Natural Language Processing |
#cm3065-intelligent-signal-processing |
Intelligent Signal Processing |
#cm3070-final-project |
Final Project |
Channel | Specialism |
#data_science |
Data Science |
#gamedev |
Game Development |
#iot |
Internet of Things |
#mlai |
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence |
#ux |
User Experience |
#vr |
Virtual Reality |
#webdev |
Web and Mobile Development |
- Available shortcuts
- How to format your messages
- How to share snippets of code (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, C++, etc.)
- How to use pinned items (important info in each channel)
- How to search effectively (filtering by channel, user, date, file types, etc.)
- How to find channels
- Using threads while communicating to keep chats organized
- Slack help center for anything else
awesome-slack — A curated list of awesome Slack related things.