EZGUI is a gui system for PIXI and Phaser. it's focused on PIXI 3 but support PIXI 2 to garantee seamless transition, and to remain compatible with Phaser 2.x
The code in this repository is still in developement, and some breaking changes may occure
- Flexible configuration : EZGUI use a flexible JSON configuration format for theme an gui definitions
- Themes : a default theme is provided but you can create your own custom theme.
- Tweening
- Extendable : you can easily create your own components
- Window
- Layout
- Button
- Label
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Slider
- List
- bitmap fonts support
- tabs component
- scrollbar component
- texts/texts alignements
- relative width/height
- Documentation for theme definition
- Documentation for gui definition
- GUI Designer :)