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UnitTest Library in C

Author: Amin Tahmasebi
Release Date: 2024
License: ISC License


The UnitTest library is a lightweight and minimal testing framework for the C programming language, designed to facilitate unit testing of C programs. It provides essential features for creating, running, and reporting test cases, making it an ideal choice for testing C libraries and applications.

Key Features

  1. Simple API: Minimal boilerplate code for creating and running tests.
  2. Cross-Platform: Fully compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  3. Performance Measurement: Measure both real and CPU execution times for tests.
  4. Assertions:
    • Integer, floating-point, and string comparison.
    • Custom condition checks.
  5. Memory Leak Detection: Automatically detect and report memory leaks in test cases.
  6. Parameterized Tests: Test cases can accept parameters for versatile testing scenarios.
  7. Setup and Teardown: Customizable functions for pre-test and post-test setup.
  8. Detailed Reports: Generate concise summaries of test results.
  9. Timeouts: Enforce execution time limits for test cases.
  10. Safe Resource Management: Safeguard memory usage with UNITTEST_MALLOC and UNITTEST_FREE.


The UnitTest library consists of:

  • Header File: unittest.h defines the API, macros, and data structures.
  • Implementation File: unittest.c provides the implementation of the API and utility functions.

Functions and Macros

Core Functions

double unittest_timer_real(void)

  • Purpose: Measures real (wall-clock) time elapsed since the first test was run.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Time in seconds as a double.

double unittest_timer_cpu(void)

  • Purpose: Measures CPU time consumed by the test process since the first test was run.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: CPU time in seconds as a double.

void unittest_report(void)

  • Purpose: Prints a summary of all test results, including the number of tests, assertions, and failures.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).



  • Purpose: Defines a test case function.
  • Parameters:
    • method_name: The name of the test case function.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Defines a suite of related test cases.
  • Parameters:
    • suite_name: The name of the suite function.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Runs a test suite.
  • Parameters:
    • suite_name: The name of the suite function to run.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

UNITTEST_SUITE_CONFIGURE(setup_func, teardown_func)

  • Purpose: Configures setup and teardown functions for a test suite.
  • Parameters:
    • setup_func: Pointer to the setup function.
    • teardown_func: Pointer to the teardown function.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Runs an individual test case within a suite.
  • Parameters:
    • test: The name of the test case function to run.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Generates and prints the test results summary.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Allows retrying a failed test a specified number of times before marking it as failed.
  • Parameters:
    • count: The maximum number of retry attempts for a failed test.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).
  • Behavior:
    • Retries a test up to count times if it initially fails.
    • If the test passes in any of the retries, it is marked as successful.
    • Logs each retry attempt, providing details about the failure and retry process.


  • Purpose: Ensures that no memory is leaked during the execution of a code block.
  • Parameters: code_block - Code to execute and monitor.



  • Purpose: Checks a condition, marking the test as failed if the condition is false.
  • Parameters:
    • condition: Boolean condition to check.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Fails a test with a custom message.
  • Parameters:
    • message: A string describing the failure.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).


  • Purpose: Validates a condition and logs a failure message if the condition is false.
  • Parameters:
    • condition: A boolean expression to validate.
    • message_format: A printf-style format string that describes the assertion failure.
    • ...: Additional arguments to format the failure message.
  • Behavior:
    • If the condition is true, it logs a dot (.).
    • If the condition is false, it logs the failure message and terminates the test case.


  • Purpose: Asserts that a string matches a regex pattern.
  • Parameters:
    • pattern: The regex pattern to match.
    • string: The input string to validate against the regex.
    • flags: Optional flags to control regex behavior (e.g., case-insensitive).
    • message_format: A printf-style format string describing the failure.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Behavior:
    • Compiles the regex pattern and validates the input string.
    • Fails if the regex compilation or match search fails.


  • Purpose: Asserts that a specific captured group from a regex match equals an expected string.
  • Parameters:
    • pattern: The regex pattern to match.
    • input: The input string to validate.
    • group_index: The index of the group to validate.
    • expected: The expected string value of the group.
    • flags: Optional regex flags.
    • message_format: A printf-style format string describing the failure.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Behavior:
    • Validates if the regex compiles and matches the input.
    • Fails if the group index is invalid or the captured group does not match the expected string.

unittest_assert_int_eq(expected, actual, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Asserts that two integers are equal. Logs a formatted failure message if the values differ.
  • Parameters:
    • expected: Expected integer value.
    • actual: Actual integer value.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

unittest_assert_double_eq(expected, actual, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Asserts that two double-precision floating-point numbers are equal within a specified epsilon. Logs a formatted failure message if the values differ.
  • Parameters:
    • expected: Expected double-precision floating-point value.
    • actual: Actual double-precision floating-point value.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

unittest_assert_string_eq(expected, actual, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Asserts that two strings are equal. Logs a formatted failure message if the strings differ. Handles NULL pointers gracefully by treating them as <null>.
  • Parameters:
    • expected: Expected string value.
    • actual: Actual string value.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

unittest_assert_not_null(pointer, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Asserts that a pointer is not NULL. Logs a formatted failure message if the pointer is NULL.
  • Parameters:
    • pointer: The pointer to check.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

unittest_assert_in_range(value, min, max, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: This macro checks if a given value falls within a specified inclusive range (min to max). If the value is outside the range, it logs an error and fails the test.
  • Parameters:
    • value: The value to check.
    • min: The minimum acceptable value.
    • max: The maximum acceptable value.
    • message_format: Custom error message format string.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the error message.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).

Memory Leak Detection

The framework now includes tools for memory tracking:

  • Allocate memory using UNITTEST_MALLOC.
  • Free memory using UNITTEST_FREE.
  • Check for leaks in any block of code with UNITTEST_CHECK_NO_LEAKS.

Memory Management

void* UNITTEST_MALLOC(size_t size)

  • Purpose: Allocates memory and tracks its usage.
  • Parameters: size - Size in bytes to allocate.
  • Returns: Pointer to the allocated memory.

void UNITTEST_FREE(void* ptr)

  • Purpose: Frees memory and updates the tracking system.
  • Parameters: ptr - Pointer to the memory to free.

size_t unittest_get_memory_usage(void)

  • Purpose: Returns the total allocated memory currently in use.
  • Parameters: None.
  • Returns: Total memory in bytes.

Timing Functions

double unittest_timer_real(void)

  • Purpose: Measures wall-clock time.
  • Returns: Time in seconds as a double.

double unittest_timer_cpu(void)

  • Purpose: Measures CPU time.
  • Returns: Time in seconds as a double.

void unittest_set_timeout(double timeout_ms)

  • Purpose: Sets a timeout in milliseconds for test execution.
  • Parameters: timeout_ms - Timeout value in milliseconds.

Array Comparsion Assertion

unittest_assert_array_int_eq(expected, actual, size, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Validates that two integer arrays are equal, comparing element by element.
  • Parameters:
    • expected: The expected integer array.
    • actual: The actual integer array to compare.
    • size: The number of elements in the arrays.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).
  • Behavior:
    • Iterates through both arrays, checking each corresponding element for equality.
    • Logs a detailed failure message if a mismatch is found.

unittest_assert_array_float_eq(expected, actual, size, epsilon, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Validates that two float arrays are equal, comparing element by element with a specified tolerance (epsilon).
  • Parameters:
    • expected: The expected float array.
    • actual: The actual float array to compare.
    • size: The number of elements in the arrays.
    • epsilon: The maximum allowable difference between elements for them to be considered equal.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).
  • Behavior:
    • Checks the absolute difference between each pair of elements against the specified epsilon.
    • Logs a detailed failure message if any pair of elements differ by more than epsilon.

unittest_assert_array_double_eq(expected, actual, size, epsilon, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Validates that two double-precision arrays are equal, comparing element by element with a specified tolerance (epsilon).
  • Parameters:
    • expected: The expected double array.
    • actual: The actual double array to compare.
    • size: The number of elements in the arrays.
    • epsilon: The maximum allowable difference between elements for them to be considered equal.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).
  • Behavior:
    • Compares each pair of elements using the absolute difference, ensuring it is within epsilon.
    • Logs a detailed failure message if any pair of elements differs by more than epsilon.

unittest_assert_array_struct_eq(expected, actual, size, comparator, message_format, ...)

  • Purpose: Validates that two arrays of structs are equal, using a user-defined comparator function.
  • Parameters:
    • expected: The expected struct array.
    • actual: The actual struct array to compare.
    • size: The number of elements in the arrays.
    • comparator: A function pointer for comparing two structs. Returns 1 if the structs are equal, and 0 otherwise.
    • message_format: A format string for the failure message.
    • ...: Additional arguments for the format string.
  • Returns: Nothing (void).
  • Behavior:
    • Calls the provided comparator function for each pair of corresponding elements.
    • Logs a detailed failure message if any comparison returns 0 (not equal).

Files Assertions


  • Purpose: Asserts that the contents of two files are identical.
  • Parameters:
    • file1, file2: Paths to the two files to compare.
    • message_format: A custom failure message format string.
    • ...: Additional arguments to include in the formatted message.
  • Details:
    • Reads the files in chunks and compares their contents.
    • Fails if the files have differing lengths or mismatched content.
  • Example:


  • Purpose: Asserts that a file exists at the specified path.
  • Parameters:
    • filepath: Path to the file.
    • message_format: A custom failure message format string.
    • ...: Additional arguments to include in the formatted message.
  • Details:
    • Uses platform-specific functionality (access or _access) to check the existence of the file.
    • Fails if the file does not exist.


  • Purpose: Asserts that a file does not exist at the specified path.
  • Parameters:
    • filepath: Path to the file.
    • message_format: A custom failure message format string.
    • ...: Additional arguments to include in the formatted message.
  • Details:
    • Uses platform-specific functionality (access or _access) to check the non-existence of the file.
    • Fails if the file exists.



  • Purpose: Registers a function call with the mock system.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function being called.
    • arg_count: The number of arguments passed to the function.
    • args: Array of pointers to the arguments passed to the function.
  • Details:
    • Records each call to a mocked function, including the function name, arguments, and call count.
    • Stores call details in an internal registry to allow verification of function behavior in tests.
  • Behavior:
    • Incrementally tracks calls for each mocked function.
    • Supports multiple calls to the same function and keeps them indexed.


  • Purpose: Retrieves the most recent call to a mocked function.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function to retrieve.
  • Details:
    • Searches the internal registry for the specified function and returns the most recent call details.
    • If no calls are found, returns NULL.
  • Example:
    MockCall* call = unittest_get_mock_call("api_request");
    if (call) {
        printf("Last call to 'api_request': %d arguments\n", call->arg_count);


  • Purpose: Verifies that a specific call to a mocked function matches the expected arguments.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function.
    • arg_count: The number of expected arguments.
    • expected_args: Array of expected argument values.
    • call_index: The index of the call to verify.
  • Behavior:
    • Ensures that the specified call to the function matches the expected argument values.
    • Fails the test if the function was not called, the argument count is mismatched, or any argument value does not match.
  • Example:
    void* expected_args[] = { (void*)"GET /api/resource" };
    unittest_verify_mock_call("api_request", 1, expected_args, 0);


  • Purpose: Verifies the total number of calls to a mocked function.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function.
    • expected_count: The expected number of times the function should have been called.
  • Behavior:
    • Compares the actual call count of the function with the expected count.
    • Fails the test if the counts do not match.
  • Example:
    unittest_verify_mock_call_count("api_request", 2);


  • Purpose: Retrieves details of a specific call to a mocked function by its index.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function.
    • call_index: The index of the desired call.
  • Details:
    • Searches the call registry for the specified function and retrieves the call at the given index.
    • Returns NULL if the function was not called the specified number of times.
  • Example:
    MockCall* call = unittest_get_mock_call_by_index("api_request", 1);
    if (call) {
        printf("Second call to 'api_request': %d arguments\n", call->arg_count);



  • Purpose: Registers a stubbed return value for a mocked function.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function.
    • query: The argument value for which the return value is stubbed.
    • return_value: The value to return when the function is called with the specified argument.
  • Behavior:
    • Associates a specific argument value with a return value.
    • Allows controlled responses from mocked functions during tests.
  • Example:
    unittest_register_stub("api_request", "GET /api/resource", (void*)"Resource data");


  • Purpose: Retrieves the stubbed return value for a mocked function.
  • Parameters:
    • function_name: The name of the mocked function.
    • query: The argument value to match against stubbed return values.
  • Details:
    • Searches for a matching stub based on the function name and argument value.
    • Returns the stubbed value if found, or NULL otherwise.
  • Example:
    const char* response = (const char*)unittest_get_stub_return_value("api_request", "GET /api/resource");

Macros for Mock Functions


  • Purpose: Declares a mock function without specifying a return type.
  • Parameters:
    • func_name: The name of the mock function.
    • ...: The parameter types of the function.
  • Details:
    • Simplifies the declaration of mock functions.
  • Example:
    UNITTEST_MOCK_FUNCTION(my_mock_function, int, const char*);


  • Purpose: Declares a mock function with a return type and arguments.
  • Parameters:
    • func_name: The name of the mock function.
    • return_type: The return type of the function.
    • ...: The parameter types of the function.
  • Details:
    • Automatically integrates with stubbing features.
  • Example:
    UNITTEST_MOCK_FUNCTION_WITH_STUB(my_mock_function, int, const char*);


  • Purpose: A macro for verifying the call count of a mocked function.
  • Parameters:
    • func: The name of the mocked function.
    • count: The expected call count.
  • Details:
    • A shorthand for unittest_verify_mock_call_count.
  • Example:
    UNITTEST_VERIFY_CALL_COUNT(my_mock_function, 3);


  • Purpose: Verifies the arguments of a mocked function call.
  • Parameters:
    • func: The name of the mocked function.
    • ...: The expected argument values.
  • Details:
    • Packs the arguments into an array and verifies them using unittest_verify_mock_call.
  • Example:
    UNITTEST_VERIFY_ARGUMENTS(api_request, "GET /api/resource");

Random Integer Generator

unittest_generate_random_int(int min, int max)

  • Purpose: Generates a random integer between the specified min and max values, inclusive.
  • Parameters:
    • min: The minimum value of the generated random integer.
    • max: The maximum value of the generated random integer.
  • Details:
    • Uses the rand() function from the C standard library.
    • Ensures the generated value is within the specified range.

Random Float Generator

unittest_generate_random_float(float min, float max)

  • Purpose: Generates a random float between the specified min and max values.
  • Parameters:
    • min: The minimum value of the generated random float.
    • max: The maximum value of the generated random float.
  • Details:
    • Uses rand() and scales the result to the desired range.
    • Provides precision limited by the float data type.

Random Double Generator

unittest_generate_random_double(double min, double max)

  • Purpose: Generates a random double between the specified min and max values.
  • Parameters:
    • min: The minimum value of the generated random double.
    • max: The maximum value of the generated random double.
  • Details:
    • Uses rand() and scales the result to the desired range.
    • Provides precision limited by the double data type.

Random String Generator

unittest_generate_random_string(size_t length)

  • Purpose: Generates a random alphanumeric string of the specified length.
  • Parameters:
    • length: The length of the string to generate (excluding the null terminator).
  • Details:
    • Uses a predefined character set of alphanumeric characters.
    • Allocates memory for the string, including the null terminator.
    • Caller is responsible for freeing the generated string using free().

Edge Case Integer Generator

unittest_generate_edge_case_integers(size_t* size)

  • Purpose: Provides an array of predefined edge case integers for testing.
  • Parameters:
    • size: Pointer to a variable to store the number of generated edge cases.
  • Details:
    • Includes values like INT_MIN, INT_MAX, -1, 0, and 1.
    • The returned array is static and does not require manual memory management.

Edge Case Float Generator

unittest_generate_edge_case_floats(size_t* size)

  • Purpose: Provides an array of predefined edge case floats for testing.
  • Parameters:
    • size: Pointer to a variable to store the number of generated edge cases.
  • Details:
    • Includes values like -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, -1.0f, 0.0f, and 1.0f.
    • The returned array is static and does not require manual memory management.

Edge Case Double Generator

unittest_generate_edge_case_doubles(size_t* size)

  • Purpose: Provides an array of predefined edge case doubles for testing.
  • Parameters:
    • size: Pointer to a variable to store the number of generated edge cases.
  • Details:
    • Includes values like -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, -1.0, 0.0, and 1.0.
    • The returned array is static and does not require manual memory management.

Edge Case String Generator

unittest_generate_edge_case_strings(size_t* size)

  • Purpose: Provides an array of predefined edge case strings for testing.
  • Parameters:
    • size: Pointer to a variable to store the number of generated edge cases.
  • Details:
    • Includes edge cases like empty strings, very long strings, and strings with special characters (e.g., null, newline, tab).
    • The returned array is static and does not require manual memory management.

Free Generated Data

unittest_free_generated_data(void* data)

  • Purpose: Frees memory allocated by unittest_generate_random_string.
  • Parameters:
    • data: Pointer to the dynamically allocated memory.
  • Details:
    • This function is primarily for use with random strings.
    • Safely frees memory, ensuring no double-free issues.


Example 1: Basic UnitTest Case

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_addition) {
    int result = 2 + 2;
    unittest_assert_int_eq(5, result, "Expected %d but got %d", 4, result);

UNITTEST_SUITE(math_tests) {

int main() {


Elapsed time for test_addition: 0.01 ms
Test failed: test_addition. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_addition

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00581600 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 2: Using Setup and Teardown Functions

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

void setup() {
    // Initialize resources

void teardown() {
    // Clean up resources

UNITTEST_CASE(test_example) {
    unittest_assert(1 == 1, "This should always pass");

UNITTEST_SUITE(example_suite) {
    UNITTEST_SUITE_CONFIGURE(setup, teardown);

int main() {


1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures

Finished in 0.00268240 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 3: String and Floating Point Assertions

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_strings) {
    const char* expected = "Hello, World!";
    const char* actual = "Hello";
    unittest_assert_string_eq(expected, actual, "Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_floats) {
    double expected = 3.14;
    double actual = 3.14000001;
    unittest_assert(fabs(expected - actual) < 1E-7, "Floats are not approximately equal");

UNITTEST_SUITE(misc_tests) {

int main() {


test_strings failed:
        main.c:6: Expected 'Hello, World!' but got 'Hello, '
Elapsed time for test_strings: 5.24 ms
Test failed: test_strings. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_strings
.Elapsed time for test_floats: 0.04 ms

2 tests, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01202710 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 4: Timing a Test Case

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_timing) {
    double start = unittest_timer_real();
    for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i); 
    double end = unittest_timer_real();
    unittest_assert((end - start) > 0.0, "Execution time should be %s", "Positive");

UNITTEST_SUITE(timing_suite) {

int main() {


1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures

Finished in 0.00345860 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 5: Integer Equality Failure

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_integer_failure) {
    int expected = 10;
    int actual = 5 + 4; 
    unittest_assert_int_eq(expected, actual, "Expected %d but got %d", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_SUITE(integer_failure_tests) {

int main() {



Elapsed time for test_integer_failure: 0.01 ms
Test failed: test_integer_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_integer_failure

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00909300 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 6: Double Precision Failure

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_double_failure) {
    double expected = 9.0;
    double actual = 3.01 * 3.01;  
    unittest_assert_double_eq(expected, actual, "Expected %.5f but got %.5f", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_SUITE(double_failure_tests) {

int main() {



test_double_failure failed:
        main.c:6: Expected 9.00000 but got 9.06010
Elapsed time for test_double_failure: 5.15 ms
Test failed: test_double_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_double_failure

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01118970 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 7: String Equality Failure

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_string_failure) {
    const char* expected = "UnitTest";
    const char* actual = "TestUnit";  
    unittest_assert_string_eq(expected, actual, "String mismatch: Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_SUITE(string_failure_tests) {

int main() {



test_string_failure failed:
        main.c:6: String mismatch: Expected 'UnitTest' but got 'TestUnit'
Elapsed time for test_string_failure: 5.92 ms
Test failed: test_string_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_string_failure

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01298610 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 8: Custom Assertion Failure

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_custom_failure) {
    int value = 35;
    unittest_assert(value > 40, "Value should be greater than %d", 40);  

UNITTEST_SUITE(custom_failure_tests) {

int main() {



test_custom_failure failed:
        main.c:6: Value should be greater than 40

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures

Finished in 0.00012000 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 9: Multiple Failures in a Suite

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_integer_failure) {
    int expected = 10;
    int actual = 9;
    unittest_assert_int_eq(expected, actual, "Expected %d but got %d", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_double_failure) {
    double expected = 3.14;
    double actual = 3.15;
    unittest_assert_double_eq(expected, actual, "Expected %.2f but got %.2f", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_string_failure) {
    const char* expected = "Hello";
    const char* actual = "World";
    unittest_assert_string_eq(expected, actual, "Expected '%s' but got '%s'", expected, actual);

UNITTEST_SUITE(multiple_failures) {

int main() {



test_integer_failure failed:
        main.c:6: Expected 10 but got 9
Elapsed time for test_integer_failure: 4.56 ms
Test failed: test_integer_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_integer_failure
test_double_failure failed:
        main.c:12: Expected 3.14 but got 3.15
Elapsed time for test_double_failure: 4.34 ms
Test failed: test_double_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_double_failure
test_string_failure failed:
        main.c:18: Expected 'Hello' but got 'World'
Elapsed time for test_string_failure: 4.88 ms
Test failed: test_string_failure. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_string_failure

3 tests, 3 assertions, 3 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.02825010 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 10 : Regex Matching Test Case

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_regex_basic_match) {
    const char* pattern = "hello";
    const char* test_string = "hello world!";
    Regex* regex = regex_compile(pattern, REGEX_DEFAULT);
    unittest_assert(regex != NULL, "Failed to compile %s", "regex");
    RegexMatch match;
    RegexResult result = regex_search(regex, test_string, &match);
    unittest_assert(result == REGEX_SUCCESS, "Expected a successful %s", "match");

    char matched_string[match.length + 1]; 
    strncpy(matched_string, match.start, match.length);
    matched_string[match.length] = '\0';  
    unittest_assert_string_eq("hello", matched_string, "Expected '%s' but got '%s'", "hello", matched_string);

UNITTEST_SUITE(regex_tests) {

int main() {



Elapsed time for test_regex_basic_match: 1.13 ms

1 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00368750 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 11: Random Integer Generation Test Case

#include "unittest/unittest.h"
#include "random/random.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_random_integer_generation) {
    int min = 1, max = 10;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        int random_number = random_randint(min, max);
        unittest_assert(random_number >= min && random_number <= max, "Generated number is out of range (%d, %d)", min, max);

UNITTEST_SUITE(random_tests) {

int main() {


1 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures

Finished in 0.04441680 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 12 : Statistics Lib

#include "unittest/unittest.h"
#include "statistics/statistics.h"
#include <math.h>

UNITTEST_CASE(test_mean_calculation) {
    double data[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    size_t n = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);

    double mean = statistics_mean(data, n);
    unittest_assert_double_eq(3.0, mean, "Expected mean %.2f but got %.2f", 3.0, mean);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_median_calculation) {
    double data[] = {5.0, 3.0, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0};
    size_t n = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);

    double median = statistics_median(data, n);
    unittest_assert_double_eq(3.0, median, "Expected median %.2f but got %.2f", 3.0, median);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_variance_calculation) {
    double data[] = {2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0};
    size_t n = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]);

    double variance = statistics_variance(data, n, false, 0.0);  
    double expected_variance = 4.5714; // Variance with the correct value
    unittest_assert_double_eq(expected_variance, variance, "Expected variance %.4f but got %.4f", expected_variance, variance);

UNITTEST_SUITE(statistics_tests) {

int main() {


Failed Tests :
.Elapsed time for test_mean_calculation: 6.08 ms
.Elapsed time for test_median_calculation: 73.20 ms
test_variance_calculation failed:
        C:/Users/asus/OneDrive/Desktop/project/c_std/main.c:27: Expected variance 4.5714 but got 4.5714
Elapsed time for test_variance_calculation: 17.60 ms
Test failed: test_variance_calculation. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_variance_calculation

3 tests, 3 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.10827450 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 13 : Parameterized Tests

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

int multiply(int a, int b) {
    return a * b;

UNITTEST_CASE(test_multiplication) {
    int* param = (int*)unittest_param; 
    int a = param[0];
    int b = param[1];
    int expected = param[2];

    int actual = multiply(a, b);
    unittest_assert_int_eq(expected, actual, "Expected multiply(%d, %d) to be %d but got %d", a, b, expected, actual);

UNITTEST_SUITE(multiplication_tests) {

    int params[][3] = {
        {1, 1, 1},
        {2, 3, 6},
        {-2, 4, -8},
        {0, 5, 0},
        {100, 0, 0}

    UNITTEST_RUN_PARAM_TEST(test_multiplication, params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]));

int main() {



5 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures

Finished in 0.00034030 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 14 : Test Skip Feature

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

int is_feature_enabled() {
    return 0; 

UNITTEST_CASE(test_feature) {
    if (!is_feature_enabled()) {
        UNITTEST_SKIP("Feature is not enabled; skipping test.");

    int result = 2 + 2;
    unittest_assert_int_eq(4, result, "Expected 4 and result is %d", result);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_always_run) {
    int result = 2 * 3;
    unittest_assert_int_eq(6, result, "Expected 6 and result is %d", result);

UNITTEST_SUITE(example_tests) {

int main() {



2 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 1 skipped

Skipped Tests:
test_feature skipped:
        File: main.c
        Line: 9
        Reason: Feature is not enabled; skipping test.

Finished in 0.00016000 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 15 : Timeout Feature

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_long_running) {
    for (volatile int i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i); 
    unittest_assert(1 == 1, "This should pass %d == %d", 1, 1);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_fast) {
    int result = 2 + 2;
    unittest_assert_int_eq(4, result, "Expected 4 and result is %d", result);

UNITTEST_SUITE(example_tests) {

int main() {




.Elapsed time for test_long_running: 1336.24 ms
.Elapsed time for test_fast: 0.06 ms

2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 1.34042110 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 16 : Memory Leak Detection

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

void my_function_that_leaks_memory() {
    UNITTEST_MALLOC(100); // Memory allocated but not freed

void my_function_with_no_leak() {
    void* ptr = UNITTEST_MALLOC(100);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_memory_leak) {

UNITTEST_CASE(test_no_memory_leak) {

UNITTEST_SUITE(memory_tests) {

int main() {


Memory leak detected: 100 bytes not freed. Allocated at main.c:5
Elapsed time for test_memory_leak: 5.30 ms
Failed Tests :
Memory leak detected: 100 bytes not freed
.Elapsed time for test_no_memory_leak: 0.04 ms

2 tests, 0 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01151540 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 17 : No Memory Leak

#include "unittest.h"

void my_function_with_no_leak() {
    void* ptr = UNITTEST_MALLOC(100); // Allocate memory
    UNITTEST_FREE(ptr);               // Properly free memory

UNITTEST_CASE(test_no_memory_leak) {

UNITTEST_SUITE(memory_tests) {

int main() {


.Elapsed time for test_no_memory_leak: 0.09 ms

1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00197990 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 18 : Retry Mechanism

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_flaky) {
    static int fail_count = 2; 
    if (fail_count > 0) {
        unittest_fail("Flaky test failed!");
    unittest_assert(1 == 1, "This should pass after retries %d == %d", 1, 1);

UNITTEST_SUITE(flaky_suite) {
    UNITTEST_RETRY_COUNT(3); // 3 retries

int main() {


Elapsed time for test_flaky: 0.01 ms
Test failed: test_flaky. Retrying...
Elapsed time for test_flaky: 0.00 ms
Test failed: test_flaky. Retrying...
.Elapsed time for test_flaky: 0.04 ms
Progress: [==================================================] 3/3 (100.00%)Test passed: test_flaky

3 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01456210 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 19 : Check null assertion

#include "unittest/unittest.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

UNITTEST_CASE(test_pointer_not_null) {
    int* ptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));

    unittest_assert_not_null(ptr, "Pointer should not be NULL after malloc");


    ptr = NULL;
    unittest_assert_not_null(ptr, "Pointer is <null>"); 

UNITTEST_SUITE(pointer_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_pointer_not_null, 1);

int main() {



.test_pointer_not_null failed:
        main.c:13: Pointer is <null>
Elapsed time for test_pointer_not_null: 4.60 ms
Test failed: test_pointer_not_null. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_pointer_not_null

1 tests, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01094550 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 20 : assertion for in range value

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_value_in_range) {
    double value = 15.0;
    double min = 10.0;
    double max = 20.0;

    unittest_assert_in_range(value, min, max, "Value %.2f is not in range [%.2f, %.2f]", value, min, max);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_value_out_of_range) {
    double value = 25.0;
    double min = 10.0;
    double max = 20.0;

    unittest_assert_in_range(value, min, max, "Value %.2f is not in range [%.2f, %.2f]", value, min, max);

UNITTEST_SUITE(range_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_value_in_range, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_value_out_of_range, 1);

int main() {



.Elapsed time for test_value_in_range: 0.08 ms
test_value_out_of_range failed:
        main.c:16: Value 25.00 is not in range [10.00, 20.00]
Elapsed time for test_value_out_of_range: 5.27 ms
Test failed: test_value_out_of_range. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_value_out_of_range

2 tests, 2 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01392990 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 21 : Arrays assertions

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_arrays_equal) {
    int expected[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int actual[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    unittest_assert_array_int_eq(expected, actual, size, "Arrays are not equal");

UNITTEST_CASE(test_arrays_not_equal) {
    int expected[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int actual[] = {1, 2, 0, 4, 5};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    unittest_assert_array_int_eq(expected, actual, size, "Arrays mismatch");

UNITTEST_CASE(test_string_arrays_equal) {
    const char* expected[] = {"hello", "world", "unit", "test"};
    const char* actual[] = {"hello", "world", "unit", "test"};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        unittest_assert_string_eq(expected[i], actual[i], "String arrays mismatch at index %d", i);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_string_arrays_not_equal) {
    const char* expected[] = {"hello", "world", "unit", "test"};
    const char* actual[] = {"hello", "world", "unittest", "test"};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        unittest_assert_string_eq(expected[i], actual[i], "String arrays mismatch at index %d", i);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_double_arrays_equal) {
    double expected[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};
    double actual[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        unittest_assert_double_eq(expected[i], actual[i], "Double arrays mismatch at index %d: expected %.2f, got %.2f", i, expected[i], actual[i]);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_double_arrays_not_equal) {
    double expected[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};
    double actual[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5};
    int size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        unittest_assert_double_eq(expected[i], actual[i], "Double arrays mismatch at index %d: expected %.2f, got %.2f", i, expected[i], actual[i]);

UNITTEST_SUITE(array_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_arrays_equal, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_arrays_not_equal, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_string_arrays_equal, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_string_arrays_not_equal, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_double_arrays_equal, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_double_arrays_not_equal, 1);

int main() {



.Elapsed time for test_arrays_equal: 0.08 ms
test_arrays_not_equal failed:
        main.c:16: Arrays mismatch at index 2 (expected: 3, actual: 0)
Elapsed time for test_arrays_not_equal: 5.39 ms
Test failed: test_arrays_not_equal. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_arrays_not_equal
....Elapsed time for test_string_arrays_equal: 0.24 ms
..test_string_arrays_not_equal failed:
        main.c:35: String arrays mismatch at index 2
Elapsed time for test_string_arrays_not_equal: 5.17 ms
Test failed: test_string_arrays_not_equal. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_string_arrays_not_equal
.....Elapsed time for test_double_arrays_equal: 0.23 ms
..test_double_arrays_not_equal failed:
        main.c:55: Double arrays mismatch at index 2: expected 3.30, got 3.00
Elapsed time for test_double_arrays_not_equal: 5.86 ms
Test failed: test_double_arrays_not_equal. Retrying...
Test ultimately failed after retries: test_double_arrays_not_equal

6 tests, 17 assertions, 3 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.04452300 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 22 : Validate Email Address

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_valid_email) {
    const char* pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$"; // Regex for email
    const char* email = "[email protected]";

        "Expected '%s' to match email regex '%s'", 

UNITTEST_CASE(test_invalid_email) {
    const char* pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$"; // Regex for email
    const char* email = "invalid-email";

    Regex* regex = regex_compile(pattern, REGEX_DEFAULT);
    if (!regex) {
        unittest_fail("Failed to compile regex");

    RegexMatch match;
    RegexResult result = regex_search(regex, email, &match);

    unittest_assert(result == REGEX_NO_MATCH, "Expected '%s' to NOT match email regex '%s'", email, pattern);

UNITTEST_SUITE(email_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_valid_email, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_invalid_email, 1);

int main() {


.Elapsed time for test_valid_email: 0.19 ms
.Elapsed time for test_invalid_email: 0.06 ms

2 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00502870 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 23 : Validate Date Formate with regex

#include "unittest/unittest.h"
#include "fmt/fmt.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_valid_date) {
    const char* pattern = "(\\d{2})/(\\d{2})/(\\d{4})"; // Regex for date
    const char* date = "21/10/2024";

    Regex* regex = regex_compile(pattern, REGEX_DEFAULT);
    if (!regex) {
        unittest_fail("Failed to compile regex");

    RegexMatch match;
    RegexResult result = regex_search(regex, date, &match);

    unittest_assert(result == REGEX_SUCCESS, "Expected regex to match '%s'", date);

    fmt_printf("Debug: Captured Groups:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < match.group_count; i++) {
        fmt_printf("Group %d: %.*s\n", i + 1, (int)match.group_lengths[i], match.group_starts[i]);

    // Validate individual groups
    unittest_assert(match.group_count >= 3, "Expected at least %d groups in the regex match", 3);
    unittest_assert(strncmp(match.group_starts[0], "21", match.group_lengths[0]) == 0, 
                    "Expected day to be '21', got '%.*s'", (int)match.group_lengths[0], match.group_starts[0]);
    unittest_assert(strncmp(match.group_starts[1], "10", match.group_lengths[1]) == 0, 
                    "Expected month to be '10', got '%.*s'", (int)match.group_lengths[1], match.group_starts[1]);
    unittest_assert(strncmp(match.group_starts[2], "2024", match.group_lengths[2]) == 0, 
                    "Expected year to be '2024', got '%.*s'", (int)match.group_lengths[2], match.group_starts[2]);


UNITTEST_CASE(test_invalid_date) {
    const char* pattern = "(\\d{2})/(\\d{2})/(\\d{4})"; // Regex for date
    const char* date = "invalid-date";
    Regex* regex = regex_compile(pattern, REGEX_DEFAULT);

    if (!regex) {
        unittest_fail("Failed to compile regex");

    RegexMatch match;
    RegexResult result = regex_search(regex, date, &match);

    unittest_assert(result == REGEX_NO_MATCH, "Expected '%s' to NOT match date regex '%s'", date, pattern);

UNITTEST_SUITE(date_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_valid_date, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_invalid_date, 1);

int main() {


.Debug: Captured Groups:
Group 1: 21
Group 2: 10
Group 3: 2024
....Elapsed time for test_valid_date: 3.36 ms
.Elapsed time for test_invalid_date: 0.05 ms

2 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00696130 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 24 : using unittest_assert_regex_group

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_regex_group_validation) {
    const char* pattern = "(\\d{2})/(\\d{2})/(\\d{4})"; // Regex for date
    const char* date = "21/10/2024";

    // Validate individual groups
        "Expected group 0 (day) to be '%d', got different value", 21

        "Expected group 1 (month) to be '%d', got different value", 10

        "Expected group 2 (year) to be '%d', got different value", 2024

UNITTEST_CASE(test_invalid_group_index) {
    const char* pattern = "(\\d{2})/(\\d{2})/(\\d{4})";
    const char* date = "21/10/2024";

    // Validate an out-of-bounds group index
        3, // Invalid index (out of bounds)
        "Expected group %d to throw an out-of-bounds error", 3

UNITTEST_SUITE(regex_group_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_regex_group_validation, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_invalid_group_index, 1);

int main() {


...Elapsed time for test_regex_group_validation: 0.42 ms
test_invalid_group_index failed:
        main.cpp:41: Group index 3 out of bounds
Elapsed time for test_invalid_group_index: 3.61 ms

2 tests, 0 assertions, 1 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00845910 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 25 : arrays comparsion in different types

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[50];
} Person;

int compare_person(const Person* a, const Person* b) {
    return a->id == b->id && strcmp(a->name, b->name) == 0;

UNITTEST_CASE(test_integer_array_comparison) {
    int expected[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int actual[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    size_t size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    unittest_assert_array_int_eq(expected, actual, size, "Integer arrays are not equal size is %zu", size);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_float_array_comparison) {
    float expected[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    float actual[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0001, 5.0};
    size_t size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);
    float epsilon = 1E-3;

    unittest_assert_array_float_eq(expected, actual, size, epsilon, "Float arrays are not equal size is %zu", size);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_double_array_comparison) {
    double expected[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
    double actual[] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0000001, 4.0, 5.0};
    size_t size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);
    double epsilon = 1E-7;

    unittest_assert_array_double_eq(expected, actual, size, epsilon, "Double arrays are not equal size is %zu", size);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_struct_array_comparison) {
    Person expected[] = {
        {1, "Alice"},
        {2, "Bob"},
        {3, "Charlie"}

    Person actual[] = {
        {1, "Alice"},
        {2, "Bob"},
        {3, "Charlie"}

    size_t size = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]);

    unittest_assert_array_struct_eq(expected, actual, size, compare_person, "Struct arrays are not equal size is %zu", size);

UNITTEST_SUITE(array_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_integer_array_comparison, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_float_array_comparison, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_double_array_comparison, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_struct_array_comparison, 1);

int main() {


.Elapsed time for test_integer_array_comparison: 0.20 ms
.Elapsed time for test_float_array_comparison: 0.07 ms
.Elapsed time for test_double_array_comparison: 0.04 ms
.Elapsed time for test_struct_array_comparison: 0.04 ms

4 tests, 4 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.00949780 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 26 : Files Assertions

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_file_comparison) {
    const char* file1 = "test1.txt";
    const char* file2 = "test2.txt";

    FILE* f1 = fopen(file1, "wb");
    FILE* f2 = fopen(file2, "wb");
    if (!f1 || !f2) {
        unittest_fail("Failed to create test files.");

    const char* content = "Hello, World!\nThis is a test.\n";
    fwrite(content, 1, strlen(content), f1);
    fwrite(content, 1, strlen(content), f2);


    unittest_assert_file_eq(file1, file2, "Files '%s' and '%s' should be identical", file1, file2);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_file_existence) {
    const char* existing_file = "test1.txt";
    const char* non_existing_file = "nonexistent.txt";

    unittest_assert_file_exists(existing_file, "File '%s' should exist", existing_file);
    unittest_assert_file_not_exists(non_existing_file, "File '%s' should not exist", non_existing_file);

UNITTEST_SUITE(file_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_file_comparison, 1);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_file_existence, 1);

int main() {


Debug: Written to file1: 30 bytes, to file2: 30 bytes
.Elapsed time for test_file_comparison: 4.14 ms
..Elapsed time for test_file_existence: 0.17 ms

Finished in 0.00910570 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 27 : Test with Mock Functions

#include "unitest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_MOCK_FUNCTION_WITH_STUB(database_query, int, const char*)

int database_query(const char* query) {
    void* args[] = {(void*)query};
    unittest_register_mock_call("database_query", 1, args);

    int stubbed_return = (int)(intptr_t)unittest_get_stub_return_value("database_query", query);
    return stubbed_return;

UNITTEST_CASE(test_database_query_mock) {
    // Stub expected return values
    unittest_register_stub("database_query", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users", (void*)(intptr_t)10);
    unittest_register_stub("database_query", "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1", (void*)(intptr_t)0);

    // Call mocked function
    int result1 = database_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
    int result2 = database_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1");

    // Verify results
    unittest_assert_int_eq(10, result1, "Expected first result to be %d", 10);
    unittest_assert_int_eq(0, result2, "Expected second result to be %d", 0);

    // Verify calls and arguments
    void* expected_args1[] = { (void*)"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users" };
    void* expected_args2[] = { (void*)"DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1" };

    unittest_verify_mock_call("database_query", 1, expected_args1, 0); // First call
    unittest_verify_mock_call("database_query", 1, expected_args2, 1); // Second call

    UNITTEST_VERIFY_CALL_COUNT(database_query, 2);

UNITTEST_SUITE(database_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_database_query_mock, 1);

int main() {



..Debug: Found call 'database_query' at index 0
..Debug: Found call 'database_query' at index 1
...Elapsed time for test_database_query_mock: 4.83 ms
Progress: [==================================================] 1/1 (100.00%)Test passed: test_database_query_mock

1 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01160650 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 27: Mock Feature with API Response Simulation

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

// Define the mock function for simulating an API request
UNITTEST_MOCK_FUNCTION_WITH_STUB(api_request, const char*, const char*)

const char* api_request(const char* endpoint) {
    void* args[] = {(void*)endpoint};
    unittest_register_mock_call("api_request", 1, args);

    const char* stubbed_return = (const char*)unittest_get_stub_return_value("api_request", endpoint);
    return stubbed_return;

UNITTEST_CASE(test_api_request_mock) {
    // Stub expected return values for different endpoints
    unittest_register_stub("api_request", "/user/info", (void*)"User Info: John Doe");
    unittest_register_stub("api_request", "/user/settings", (void*)"Settings: Enabled");

    // Call the mocked function
    const char* response1 = api_request("/user/info");
    const char* response2 = api_request("/user/settings");

    // Verify results
    unittest_assert_string_eq("User Info: John Doe", response1, "Expected API response for '/user/info' to be '%s'", "User Info: John Doe");
    unittest_assert_string_eq("Settings: Enabled", response2, "Expected API response for '/user/settings' to be '%s'", "Settings: Enabled");

    // Verify calls and arguments
    void* expected_args1[] = { (void*)"/user/info" };
    void* expected_args2[] = { (void*)"/user/settings" };

    unittest_verify_mock_call("api_request", 1, expected_args1, 0); // First call
    unittest_verify_mock_call("api_request", 1, expected_args2, 1); // Second call

    UNITTEST_VERIFY_CALL_COUNT(api_request, 2);

UNITTEST_SUITE(api_mock_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_api_request_mock, 1);

int main() {


..Debug: Found call 'api_request' at index 0
..Debug: Found call 'api_request' at index 1
...Elapsed time for test_api_request_mock: 5.13 ms
Progress: [==================================================] 1/1 (100.00%)Test passed: test_api_request_mock

1 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.01178220 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 28: Mock Feature with Advanced Verification and Setup/Teardown

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

// Mock function simulating database query
UNITTEST_MOCK_FUNCTION_WITH_STUB(database_query, int, const char*)

int database_query(const char* query) {
    void* args[] = {(void*)query};
    unittest_register_mock_call("database_query", 1, args);

    int stubbed_return = (int)(intptr_t)unittest_get_stub_return_value("database_query", query);
    return stubbed_return;

// Setup and Teardown functions
void setup_database_mock() {
    unittest_register_stub("database_query", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users", (void*)(intptr_t)42);
    unittest_register_stub("database_query", "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1", (void*)(intptr_t)1);
    unittest_register_stub("database_query", "DROP TABLE users", NULL); // Simulate failure

void teardown_database_mock() {
    // Cleanup or reset mock state
    printf("Debug: Teardown completed. All stubs and mocks cleared.\n");

// Test cases
UNITTEST_CASE(test_database_query_count) {
    int result = database_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
    unittest_assert_int_eq(42, result, "Expected result to be 42 for query '%s'", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");

    void* expected_args[] = { (void*)"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users" };
    unittest_verify_mock_call("database_query", 1, expected_args, 0);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_database_query_delete) {
    int result = database_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1");
    unittest_assert_int_eq(1, result, "Expected result to be 1 for query '%s'", "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1");

    void* expected_args[] = { (void*)"DELETE FROM users WHERE id=1" };
    unittest_verify_mock_call("database_query", 1, expected_args, 1);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_database_query_drop_table) {
    int result = database_query("DROP TABLE users");
    unittest_assert(result == 0, "Expected no return value for query '%s'", "DROP TABLE users");

    void* expected_args[] = { (void*)"DROP TABLE users" };
    unittest_verify_mock_call("database_query", 1, expected_args, 2);

// Combine tests into a suite
UNITTEST_SUITE(database_tests) {
    UNITTEST_SUITE_CONFIGURE(setup_database_mock, teardown_database_mock);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_database_query_count, 3);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_database_query_delete, 3);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_database_query_drop_table, 3);

int main() {


.Debug: Found call 'database_query' at index 0
..Elapsed time for test_database_query_count: 2.96 ms
Progress: [================>                                 ] 1/3 (33.33%)Test passed: test_database_query_count
.Debug: Found call 'database_query' at index 1
..Elapsed time for test_database_query_delete: 1.95 ms
Progress: [=================================>                ] 2/3 (66.67%)Test passed: test_database_query_delete
.Debug: Found call 'database_query' at index 2
..Elapsed time for test_database_query_drop_table: 2.40 ms
Progress: [==================================================] 3/3 (100.00%)Test passed: test_database_query_drop_table

3 tests, 9 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.02833920 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)

Example 29 : random generators and edge case functions

#include "unittest/unittest.h"

UNITTEST_CASE(test_random_integers) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        int value = unittest_generate_random_int(-100, 100);
        unittest_assert(value >= -100 && value <= 100, "Generated integer %d is out of range", value);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_random_floats) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        float value = unittest_generate_random_float(-10.0f, 10.0f);
        unittest_assert(value >= -10.0f && value <= 10.0f, "Generated float %f is out of range", value);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_random_doubles) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        double value = unittest_generate_random_double(-1000.0, 1000.0);
        unittest_assert(value >= -1000.0 && value <= 1000.0, "Generated double %lf is out of range", value);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_random_strings) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        char* random_string = unittest_generate_random_string(10);
        unittest_assert(random_string != NULL, "Random string generation failed");
        unittest_assert(strlen(random_string) == 10, "Generated string length mismatch");
        fmt_printf("Generated String: %s\n", random_string);

UNITTEST_CASE(test_edge_case_integers) {
    size_t size;
    int* edge_cases = unittest_generate_edge_case_integers(&size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        fmt_printf("Edge Case Integer: %d\n", edge_cases[i]);
        unittest_assert(edge_cases[i] <= INT_MAX && edge_cases[i] >= INT_MIN, "Integer edge case out of range");

UNITTEST_CASE(test_edge_case_floats) {
    size_t size;
    float* edge_cases = unittest_generate_edge_case_floats(&size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        fmt_printf("Edge Case Float: %f\n", edge_cases[i]);
        unittest_assert(edge_cases[i] <= FLT_MAX && edge_cases[i] >= -FLT_MAX, "Float edge case out of range");

UNITTEST_CASE(test_edge_case_doubles) {
    size_t size;
    double* edge_cases = unittest_generate_edge_case_doubles(&size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        fmt_printf("Edge Case Double: %lf\n", edge_cases[i]);
        unittest_assert(edge_cases[i] <= DBL_MAX && edge_cases[i] >= -DBL_MAX, "Double edge case out of range");

UNITTEST_CASE(test_edge_case_strings) {
    size_t size;
    char** edge_cases = unittest_generate_edge_case_strings(&size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        fmt_printf("Edge Case String: '%s'\n", edge_cases[i]);
        unittest_assert(edge_cases[i] != NULL, "String edge case is NULL");

UNITTEST_SUITE(random_and_edge_cases_tests) {
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_random_integers, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_random_floats, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_random_doubles, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_random_strings, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_edge_case_integers, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_edge_case_floats, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_edge_case_doubles, 8);
    UNITTEST_RUN_TEST(test_edge_case_strings, 8);

int main() {




.....Elapsed time for test_random_integers: 0.44 ms
Progress: [======>                                           ] 1/8 (12.50%)Test passed: test_random_integers
.....Elapsed time for test_random_floats: 0.34 ms
Progress: [============>                                     ] 2/8 (25.00%)Test passed: test_random_floats
.....Elapsed time for test_random_doubles: 0.21 ms
Progress: [==================>                               ] 3/8 (37.50%)Test passed: test_random_doubles
..Generated String: oWrS3EXbiX
..Generated String: 1xmS1J4mBZ
..Generated String: bzFOXgdYG9
..Generated String: p6HseDHHFK
..Generated String: qmDmox7sn4
Elapsed time for test_random_strings: 6.43 ms
Progress: [=========================>                        ] 4/8 (50.00%)Test passed: test_random_strings
Edge Case Integer: -2147483648
.Edge Case Integer: -1
.Edge Case Integer: 0
.Edge Case Integer: 1
.Edge Case Integer: 2147483647
.Elapsed time for test_edge_case_integers: 5.27 ms
Progress: [===============================>                  ] 5/8 (62.50%)Test passed: test_edge_case_integers
Edge Case Float: -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000
.Edge Case Float: -1.000000
.Edge Case Float: 0.000000
.Edge Case Float: 1.000000
.Edge Case Float: 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.000000
.Elapsed time for test_edge_case_floats: 9.02 ms
Progress: [=====================================>            ] 6/8 (75.00%)Test passed: test_edge_case_floats
Edge Case Double: -179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868504 
.Edge Case Double: -1.000000
.Edge Case Double: 0.000000
.Edge Case Double: 1.000000
.Edge Case Double: 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.000000
.Elapsed time for test_edge_case_doubles: 30.33 ms
Progress: [===========================================>      ] 7/8 (87.50%)Test passed: test_edge_case_doubles
Edge Case String: ''
.Edge Case String: 'a'
.Edge Case String: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
.Edge Case String: ''
.Edge Case String: 'newline
.Edge Case String: 'tab '
.Elapsed time for test_edge_case_strings: 14.15 ms
Progress: [==================================================] 8/8 (100.00%)Test passed: test_edge_case_strings

8 tests, 46 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Finished in 0.12817030 seconds (real) 0.00000000 seconds (proc)


The UnitTest library provides an efficient and user-friendly framework for writing unit tests in C. Its lightweight design and straightforward API make it suitable for projects of any size, ensuring high code quality and reliable functionality.