Building MetaLab locally will allow you to make changes, including text or data updates, adding new pages, or enhancing Shiny applications.
- R >= 4.02
- Hugo Extended >= v0.74.3
One easy way to install Hugo Extended is to use the blogdown package.
install.packages("blogdown") #only required if you do not already have it
To install all the required R packages on your system, run the following commad after opening this project in RStudio:
If the spreadsheets have been updated and you want to try the latest available data, you can run:
source(here::here("build", "update-metalab-data.R"))
If you do not run this command, your build will use the dataset that the current MetaLab site uses.
You are now ready to build MetaLab. The commands below will serve the site locally on your computer. The build script may take a few minutes to run. When completed, it will be serving a local copy of the MetaLab site at http://localhost:4321
source(here::here("build", "build-metalab-site.R"))
You can now try editing existing content in the content
directory. Your changes will automatically reload in your web browser.