- Add debug logging
- Capture status code and raw body when response is not json.
- Update dependencies
- Improve MailChimpError logging
- Adds support for proxies
- Adds support for faraday_adapters
- Fixes issue #159, which prevented sending campaigns from working. Thanks to @q3-tech for the bug report.
- Allow Faraday default_connection_options to be set
- Fix surfacing unparseable Faraday request exception.
- Upsert support
2.0.0 - 2015-7-28
- Support for API 3.0. Usage syntax has changed. Please check out the readme.
- Update MultiJSON dependency to 1.11.0
- Switch to Faraday
- Fix: Handle empty response payloads on delete
1.2.0 - 2015-07-16
- Same as 1.1.6 but rereleased because it's a breaking change
- Support for Ruby 2 streaming with Export API. Now returns an Array of Array of Strings instead of an Array of Strings.
- Fix a bug that caused calling methods statically on Gibbon::Export to fail
- Support for Ruby 2 streaming with Export API
1.1.5 - 2015-02-19
- Update MultiJSON dependency to 1.9.0
- Handle single empty space in Export API response
1.1.4 - 2012-11-04
- Fix JSON::ParserError on export calls that return blank results