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We're using Expo to help with android and ios builds. You can find more information about Expo here:


  • The native/ directory is not part of the yarn workspace, so you have to run yarn in the native/ directory to install dependencies.
  • You will need to install the Expo CLI globally: npm install -g expo-cli
  • You need the SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN set on your env, ask Ian
  • You need to make sure the Manifold Markets, Inc. team is set as the signer for app builds in Xcode - open up ios directory in Xcode and set the signing account.
  • You need to register your device for development builds with Expo and install a provisioning profile, see the Running a build section with eas device:create


  • app.json and app.config.js are the configuration files that determine basic functioning of the app. If you change them you'll have to clean your android and ios folders via yarn clean


  1. Connect your phone to your computer
  2. iOS: You have to build a dev client: yarn build:ios:dev or yarn build:ios:devdev and drag it onto your iPhone to install it.
    • Then you can run yarn start and scan the QR code
    • It's handy to keep dev client builds around in the native directory so you can just drag and drop them onto your phone to install them
  3. Android: yarn android:dev or yarn android:prod
  4. Scan the QR code with the app (it opens automatically after installing)
    Note: when switching between dev and prod you'll have to run yarn clear & Ctrl+C to clear the env variable.
  • Want to see console logs? (Only works on android):
    • $ ngrok http 3000 in a separate terminal
    • Change the baseUri in App.tsx to the ngrok url
    • $ yarn android:prod to start the app on your device
    • On your computer, navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices in chrome and click inspect on the app
  • Want to see app logs of a production build? (Only works on android):
    • $ adb logcat --pid=$(adb shell pidof -s


  • You'll need to get Android signing credentials from Ian (located here) to properly sign android builds for the google play store. You'll probably need to be added to the Apple Business developer team when we get that to build ios apps.
  • After changing anything in the app.config.js or app.json you'll want to run npx expo prebuild to clear the android and ios folders
  • Before every build we clean and reset the git tree so you'll want to make sure any changes are committed. The dialog will ask you to confirm this.
  • After every build your git tree may be dirty with build artifacts. I tried removing these and ended up down in a git-sponsored nightmare, so I wouldn't advise trying to edit these files out of the git history unless you really know what you're doing.
  • The following commands build the binaries locally by default. If you remove the --local flag it will build in the EAS/Expo cloud, (this tends to be much slower, though).
  • Before every submission to the app store you'll want to bump the following fields in app.json:
    • expo.version
    • expo.ios.buildNumber

For Internal Testing
yarn build:android:preview

  • Builds an Android APK for previewing on a device
  • adb install build_name_here.apk after it's built to install

yarn build:ios:prod

  • Builds an iOS IPA that you can upload to TestFlight

yarn build:ios:preview

  • Builds an iOS IPA for previewing on a device
  • Drag and drop onto your plugged in iPhone Finder window to install

yarn build:android:prod

  • Builds an Android App Bundle for Google Play distribution
  • Upload to Google Play Console

yarn build:ios:prod

  • Builds an iOS IPA for App Store distribution
  • I think we use Transporter once we have our Apple Business Developer account set up

OTA updates

eas update --branch default to publish an over-the-air update to production

Adding Environment Variables

  • Set the variable in package.json (used for local development aka yarn ios:prod)
  • Add the key-value pair to the extra.eas object in app.config.js with value process.env.YOUR_ENV_VARIABLE
  • Set the build variable in eas.json for the profile you want (used for eas builds aka yarn build:ios:prod)
  • Reference it in js: Constants.expoConfig?.extra?.eas.YOUR_ENV_VARIABLE
  • Run yarn clear to clear the env variable between builds


find icons here


  • The dev and prod version of the app use the same application id ( This may not be not ideal but it works.
  • Notifications on android dev I think won't work bc we have to use Firebase's server signing key to send push notifications and I just linked our application id ( to the prod server signing key. To fix I'd have to have a separate application id for dev, which I could do but you can just test on prod
  • Try out sending push notifications here (using the pushToken from your private-user object)
  • Google play release console here



  • getting an errors on build/install? like Error: spawn .../manifold/native/android/gradlew EACCES
    • Delete the android or ios folders or run yarn clean and try again.
  • environment variables not working? like process.env.API_URL is undefined
    • Try running yarn clear and ctrl+c to clear the env variable and try again
  • When in doubt: yarn clean
  • Fastlane build failing? Could be a malformed import
  • Pod install erroring out?
  • Problems with building android and seeing: However we cannot choose between the following variants of project :react-native-iap: - amazonDebugRuntimeElements - playDebugRuntimeElements
    • Fix by adding missingDimensionStrategy 'store', 'play' to android/app/build.gradle in the defaultConfig section