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NYC Traffic Accident Data Demo

For some background information for this demo, please see the blog post here: #byodemos: new york city traffic incidents


This demo includes a Vagrantfile that you can use to provision a local VM with the NYC accident data pre-loaded. You must have Vagrant and VirtualBox already installed:

You must also install a Git client to clone the demos repo or just download a zip of the repo from the repo website.

After you've installed Vagrant and VirtualBox, run the steps below to get the code and instantiate the VM:

Once this is complete (should take anywhere between 3-20 minutes to run, depending on your network connection speed), you should have an Elasticsearch instance running with the NYC accident data index and kibana dashboard loaded. No further steps are necessary. To ensure everything is up and running correctly, click on the Elasticsearch Marvel link below.

Marvel - http://localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel/sense/index.html

You should then be able to load Kibana in a browser as well:

Kibana Dashboard - http://localhost:5200/#/dashboard/elasticsearch/NYC%20Accidents%20v.2

#Potential issues

The 'vagrant up' step may fail if you are running on Windows for a variety of reasons, some of which are listed here:

  • BIOS not configured to enable Hardware Virtualization. [Windows, Linux]
  • Ports 9200, 5200, 2222 blocked by firewall or other software. [Any OS]

##Vagrant port forwarding

The Vagrantfile is configured to forward requests from the host (laptop) to the VM using these rules:

  • 9200 -> 9200 (Elasticsearch instance)
  • 5200 -> 5200 (ngnix instance hosting Kibana)

If you have another Vagrant VM or a local Elasticsearch instance using ports 9200 and/or 5200, you will need to shut down those services while running this demo.

#Next steps

The Vagrant/Puppet scripts provision a ready-to-use Elasticsearch index and Kibana dashboard for you but if you're interested in refreshing the dataset with the latest updates from the City of New York, making tweaks to the Elasticsearch mapping config, enhancing the Logstash config and reindexing the data, or something else, this VM environment is ready for you to do that.

##Raw data updates

The latest version of the source data set can be found here:

We recommend downloading the CSV version of the data set.

##Mapping config

The Elasticsearch mapping configuration is defined in the index template file: nyc_accidents_index_template.json. Documentation:

##Logstash config

The Logstash configuration is defined in the file: nyc_pedfatals.conf. Documentation for Logstash plugins: