2-class problem
Dataset (# data pts.)
- training: 184
- Class 0: 69 (37.5%)
- Class 1: 115 (62.5%)
- test: 60
- training: 184
Sequential Backward Selection
- Most contributing features:
- ISI > Rain > DMC > FFMC > DC > RH > BUI > Ws > Temperature
Required reference systems
Trivial system
python3 trivial.py
- Test F1-score: 0.5
- Test Accuracy: 0.5
Baseline system
python3 baseline.py
- Drop "Date"
- Test F1-score: 0.6286
- Test Accuracy: 0.7833
Technique 1: Perceptron Learning (Drop "Date")
python3 perceptron.py --M 4 --epoch 200 --plot_title perceptron
(M-fold cross-validation)- Val F1-score: 0.9113
- Val Accuracy: 0.9076
- Test F1-score: 0.8846
- Test Accuracy: 0.9
python3 perceptron.py --M 4 --epoch 200 --normalization --plot_title p_norm
- Apply min-max normalization to all features
- Val F1-score: 0.9405
- Val Accuracy: 0.9457
- Test F1-score: 0.8679
- Test Accuracy: 0.8833
python3 perceptron.py --M 4 --epoch 200 --standardization --plot_title p_std
- Apply standardization to all features
- Val F1-score: 0.9368
- Val Accuracy: 0.9457
- Test F1-score: 0.92
- Test Accuracy: 0.93
python3 perceptron.py --M 4 --epoch 200 --standardization --use_SMOTE --plot_title p_std_SMOTE
- Val F1-score: 0.9372
- Val Accuracy: 0.9402
- Test F1-score: 0.9583
- Test Accuracy: 0.9667
python3 perceptron.py --M 4 --epoch 200 --standardization --feat_reduction --plot_title p_feat_reduct
- Four least contributing features: Temperature -> Ws -> BUI -> RH
- Drop (1,2,3,4) features
- Val F1-score: (0.9725, 0.9805, 0.9763, 0.9875)
- Val Accuracy: (0.9674, 0.9728, 0.9728, 0.9837)
- Test F1-score: (0.9583, 0.9787, 0.9388, 0.9583)
- Test Accuracy: (0.9667, 0.9833, 0.95, 0.9667)
python3 perceptron.py --standardization --feat_reduction --extra_feat --plot_title p_add_1_feat
- Val F1-score: 0.9882
- Val Accuracy: 0.9783
- Test F1-score: 0.9787
- Test Accuracy: 0.9833
python3 perceptron.py --standardization --use_SMOTE --extra_feat --plot_title p_add_1_feat
- Val F1-score: 0.9767
- Val Accuracy: 0.9565
- Test F1-score: 0.92
- Test Accuracy: 0.9333
Technique 2: KNN Classifier (Drop "Date", with Standardization)
python3 kNN.py --M 4 --k 7 --plot_title kNN
- The following results are for k = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
- Val F1-score: (0.8287, 0.8532, 0.8605, 0.8745, 0.886, 0.8678, 0.8739)
- Val Accuracy: (0.8478, 0.8641, 0.8696, 0.875, 0.875, 0.8641, 0.8804)
- Test F1-score: (0.7, 0.8444, 0.8095, 0.8182, 0.8372, 0.8444, 0.8182)
- Test Accuracy: (0.8, 0.8833, 0.8667, 0.8667, 0.8833, 0.8833, 0.8667)
python3 kNN.py --M 4 --k 7 --use_SMOTE --plot_title kNN_SMOTE
- Val F1-score: 0.8448
- Val Accuracy: 0.8641
- Test F1-score: 0.8372
- Test Accuracy: 0.8833
python3 kNN.py --M 4 --k 7 --feat_reduction --plot_title kNN_feat_reduct
- Four least contributing features: Temperature -> Ws -> BUI -> RH
- Drop (1,2,3,4) features
- Val F1-score: (0.8898, 0.9108, 0.9236, 0.9313)
- Val Accuracy: (0.8967, 0.9076, 0.9293, 0.9239)
- Test F1-score: (0.8444, 0.8182, 0.8444, 0.8182)
- Test Accuracy: (0.8833, 0.8667, 0.8833, 0.8667)
python3 kNN.py --extra_feat --feat_reduction --plot_title kNN_add_1_feat
- Drop temperature
- Val F1-score: 0.9767
- Val Accuracy: 0.9565
- Test F1-score: 0.8085
- Test Accuracy: 0.85
python3 kNN.py --extra_feat --plot_title kNN_add_1_feat
- Val F1-score: 0.9767
- Val Accuracy: 0.9565
- Test F1-score: 0.8511
- Test Accuracy: 0.8833
Technique 3: MSE Classifier (Drop "Date")
python3 MSE.py --use_SMOTE --plot_title p_MSE_SMOTE
(b=1 for all data pts)- Val F1-score: 0.9898
- Val Accuracy: 0.9837
- Test F1-score: 0.9787
- Test Accuracy: 0.9833
python3 MSE.py --plot_title MSE
(b=1 for all data pts)- Val F1-score: 0.9942
- Val Accuracy: 0.9891
- Test F1-score: 1
- Test Accuracy: 1
Technique 4: SVM (Drop "Date")
python3 SVM.py --Linear SVM
- Train F1_score= 0.8771929824561403
- Train Accuracy= 0.8478260869565217
- Test F1_score= 0.8571428571428571
- Test Accuracy= 0.8666666666666667
python3 SVM.py --RBF SVM
-Test RBF Accuracy= 0.8333333333333334 -Test Linear Accuracy= 0.85 -Test RBF F1_score= 0.8214285714285715 -Test Linear F1_score= 0.8363636363636363python3 SVM.ipynb --feat_reduction --plot_title
- Four least contributing features: Temperature -> Ws -> BUI -> RH
- Drop (1,2,3,4) features
- Test F1-score RBF: (0.8214, 0.8214, 0.8214, 0.8070)
- Test Accuracy RBF: (0.8333, 0.8333, 0.8333, 0.8166)
- Test F1-score Linear: (0.83636, 0.83636, 0.83636, 0.8214)
- Test Accuracy Linear: (0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.8333)