If you're using Visual Studio, press F5 to run your project. The browser opens to the http://localhost:{port} location and you see the Call Microsoft Graph API button.
If you're not using Visual Studio, make sure your web server is started. Configure the server to listen to a TCP port that's based on the location of your index.html file. For Python, start to listen to the port by running the command prompt terminal from the application folder:
python -m http.server 8080
Open the browser and type http://localhost:8080 or http://localhost:{port} where port is the port that your web server is listening to. You should see the contents of your index.html file and the Call Microsoft Graph API button.
After the browser loads your index.html file, select Call Microsoft Graph API. The first time that you run your application, the browser redirects you to the Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) v2.0 endpoint and you're prompted to sign in:
The first time that you sign in to your application, you're prompted to provide your consent to allow the application to access your profile and to sign you in:
After you sign in, you should see your user profile information in the Graph API Call Response box.
You should also see basic information about the token that was acquired in the Access Token and ID Token Claims boxes.
The Microsoft Graph API requires the user.read scope to read a user's profile. This scope is automatically added by default in every application that's registered on the registration portal. Other APIs for Microsoft Graph, as well as custom APIs for your back-end server, might require additional scopes. The Microsoft Graph API requires the Calendars.Read scope to list the user’s calendars.
To access the user’s calendars in the context of an application, add the Calendars.Read delegated permission to the application registration information. Then, add the Calendars.Read scope to the acquireTokenSilent call.
The user might be prompted for additional consents as you increase the number of scopes.
If a back-end API doesn't require a scope (not recommended), you can use the clientId as the scope in the acquireTokenSilent and acquireTokenRedirect calls.
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