For instructions, see Create a Ruby Application on Azure.
To use Service Bus, download and use the Azure Ruby package, which includes a set of convenience libraries that communicate with the storage REST services.
- Use a command-line interface such as PowerShell (Windows), Terminal (Mac), or Bash (Unix).
- Type "gem install azure" in the command window to install the gem and dependencies.
Using your favorite text editor, add the following to the top of the Ruby file in which you intend to use storage:
require "azure"
Use the following code to set the values of namespace, name of the key, key, signer and host:
Azure.configure do |config|
config.sb_namespace = '<your azure service bus namespace>'
config.sb_sas_key_name = '<your azure service bus access keyname>'
config.sb_sas_key = '<your azure service bus access key>'
signer =
sb_host = "https://#{Azure.sb_namespace}"
Set the namespace value to the value you created rather than the entire URL. For example, use "yourexamplenamespace", not "".