author | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
PatAltimore |
active-directory-b2c |
include |
11/03/2016 |
patricka |
If you want to enable profile editing on your application, you use a profile editing policy. This policy describes the experiences that customers will go through during profile editing and the contents of tokens that the application will receive on successful completion.
[!INCLUDE active-directory-b2c-portal-navigate-b2c-service]
In the policies section of settings, select Profile editing policies and click + Add.
Enter a policy Name for your application to reference. For example, enter SiPe
Select Identity providers and check Local Account Signin. Optionally, you can also select social identity providers, if already configured. Click OK.
Select Profile attributes. Choose attributes the consumer can view and edit in their profile. For example, check Country/Region, Display Name, and Postal Code. Click OK.
Select Application claims. Choose claims you want returned in the authorization tokens sent back to your application after a successful profile editing experience. For example, select Display Name, Postal Code.
Click Create to add the policy. The policy is listed as B2C_1_SiPe. The B2C_1_ prefix is appended to the name.
Open the policy by selecting B2C_1_SiPe. Verify the settings specified in the table then click Run now.
Setting | Value |
Applications | Contoso B2C app |
Select reply url | https://localhost:44316/ |
A new browser tab opens, and you can verify the profile editing consumer experience as configured.
It takes up to a minute for policy creation and updates to take effect.