title | description | services | author | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author | ms.custom |
include file |
include file |
azure-resource-manager |
tfitzmac |
azure-resource-manager |
include |
05/21/2018 |
tomfitz |
include file |
To add two tags to a resource group, use the Set-AzureRmResourceGroup command:
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Tag @{ Dept="IT"; Environment="Test" }
Let's suppose you want to add a third tag. Every time you apply tags to a resource or a resource group, you overwrite the existing tags on that resource or resource group. To add a new tag without losing the existing tags, you must retrieve the existing tags, add a new tag, and reapply the collection of tags:
# Get existing tags and add a new tag
$tags = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup).Tags
$tags.Add("Project", "Documentation")
# Reapply the updated set of tags
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Tag $tags -Name myResourceGroup
Resources don't inherit tags from the resource group. Currently, your resource group has three tags but the resources do not have any tags. To apply all tags from a resource group to its resources, and retain existing tags on resources that are not duplicates, use the following script:
# Get the resource group
$group = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup myResourceGroup
if ($group.Tags -ne $null) {
# Get the resources in the resource group
$resources = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $group.ResourceGroupName
# Loop through each resource
foreach ($r in $resources)
# Get the tags for this resource
$resourcetags = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $r.ResourceId).Tags
# If the resource has existing tags, add new ones
if ($resourcetags)
foreach ($key in $group.Tags.Keys)
if (-not($resourcetags.ContainsKey($key)))
$resourcetags.Add($key, $group.Tags[$key])
# Reapply the updated tags to the resource
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $resourcetags -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $group.Tags -ResourceId $r.ResourceId -Force
Alternatively, you can apply tags from the resource group to the resources without keeping the existing tags:
# Get the resource group
$g = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup
# Find all the resources in the resource group, and for each resource apply the tags from the resource group
Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $g.ResourceGroupName | ForEach-Object {Set-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $_.ResourceId -Tag $g.Tags -Force }
To combine several values in a single tag, use a JSON string.
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Tag @{ CostCenter="{`"Dept`":`"IT`",`"Environment`":`"Test`"}" }
To add a new tag with several values without losing the existing tags, you must retrieve the existing tags, use a JSON string for the new tag, and reapply the collection of tags:
# Get existing tags and add a new tag
$ResourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup
$Tags = $ResourceGroup.Tags
$Tags.Add("CostCenter", "{`"Dept`":`"IT`",`"Environment`":`"Test`"}")
# Reapply the updated set of tags
$ResourceGroup | Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Tag $Tags
To remove all tags, you pass an empty hash table.
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Tag @{ }