Twirp provides an Elixir implementation of the Twirp RPC framework developed by Twitch. The protocol defines semantics for routing and serialization of RPCs based on protobufs.
Add Twirp to your list of dependencies:
def deps do
{:twirp, "~> 0.7"}
If you want to be able to generate services and clients based on proto files
you'll need the protoc compiler (brew install protobuf
on MacOS) and both the
twirp and elixir protobuf plugins:
$ mix escript.install hex protobuf
$ mix escript.install hex twirp
Both of these escripts will need to be in your $PATH
in order for protoc to
find them.
The canonical Twirp example is a Haberdasher service. Here's the protobuf description for the service.
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
// Haberdasher service makes hats for clients.
service Haberdasher {
// MakeHat produces a hat of mysterious, randomly-selected color!
rpc MakeHat(Size) returns (Hat);
// Size of a Hat, in inches.
message Size {
int32 inches = 1; // must be > 0
// A Hat is a piece of headwear made by a Haberdasher.
message Hat {
int32 inches = 1;
string color = 2; // anything but "invisible"
string name = 3; // i.e. "bowler"
We'll assume for now that this proto file lives in priv/protos/service.proto
We can now use protoc
to generate the files we need. You can run this command
from the root directory of your project.
$ protoc --proto_path=./priv/protos --elixir_out=./lib/example --twirp_elixir_out=./lib/example ./priv/protos/service.proto
After running this command there should be 2 files located in lib/example
The message definitions:
defmodule Example.Size do
@moduledoc false
use Protobuf, syntax: :proto3
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
inches: integer
defstruct [:inches]
field :inches, 1, type: :int32
defmodule Example.Hat do
@moduledoc false
use Protobuf, syntax: :proto3
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
inches: integer,
color: String.t(),
name: String.t()
defstruct [:inches, :color, :name]
field :inches, 1, type: :int32
field :color, 2, type: :string
field :name, 3, type: :string
The service and client definition:
defmodule Example.HaberdasherService do
@moduledoc false
use Twirp.Service
package "example"
service "Haberdasher"
rpc :MakeHat, Example.Size, Example.Hat, :make_hat
defmodule Example.HaberdasherClient do
@moduledoc false
# client implementation...
Now that we've generated the service definition we can implement a "handler" module that will implement each "method".
defmodule Example.HaberdasherHandler do
@colors ~w|white black brown red blue|
@names ["bowler", "baseball cap", "top hat", "derby"]
def make_hat(_ctx, size) do
if size.inches <= 0 do
Twirp.Error.invalid_argument("I can't make a hat that small!")
inches: size.inches,
color: Enum.random(@colors),
name: Enum.random(@names)
Separating the service and handler like this may seem a little odd but there are good reasons to do this. The most important is that it allows the service to be autogenerated again in the future. The second reason is that it allows us to easily mock service implementations for testing.
To serve traffic Twirp provides a Plug. We use this plug to attach our service definition with our handler.
defmodule Example.Router do
use Plug.Router
plug Twirp.Plug, service: Example.HaberdasherService, handler: Example.HaberdasherHandler
defmodule Example.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
Plug.Cowboy.child_spec(scheme: :http, plug: Example.Router, options: [port: 4040]),
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Example.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
If you start your application your plug will now be available on port 4040.
Client definitions are generated alongside the service definition. This allows you to generate clients for your services in other applications. You can make RPC calls like so:
defmodule AnotherService.GetHats do
alias Example.HaberdasherClient, as: Client
alias Example.{Size, Hat}
def make_a_hat(inches) do
case Client.make_hat( inches)) do
{:ok, %Hat{}=hat} ->
{:error, %Twirp.Error{msg: msg}} ->
The plug can also be attached within a Phoenix Router. Example below would be accessible at /rpc/hat
URL: /rpc/hat/twirp/example.Haberdasher/MakeHat
or /{prefix?}/twirp/{package}.{service}/{method}
defmodule ExampleWeb.Router do
use ExampleWeb, :router
scope "/rpc" do
forward "/hat", Twirp.Plug,
service: Example.HaberdasherService, handler: Example.HaberdasherHandler
Twirp supports either Finch or Hackney as the underlying http client. Finch is the
default. If you want to configure the adapter you can pass the adapter
when you call start_link
url: "https://some.url",
adapter: {Twirp.Client.Hackney, [pool_opts: [timeout: 30_000, max_connections: 100]]}
This implementation is still early but I believe that it should be ready for use. One of the benefits of twirp is that the implementation is quite easy to understand. At the moment there's only about ~600 LOC in the entire lib directory so if something goes wrong it shouldn't be hard to look through it and understand the issue.