The document and code refer to the NtPowerInformation()
syscall. It looks both interesting and undocumented, which makes it the perfect area for some digging.
Microsoft provides the following documentation:
- the real syscall. Document specifies the function prototype, saying "the only supported POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL value is PlatformInformation".POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL
- values to call the function with. The document presenting dozens of different POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL values, and doing it's best to non-explain them.CallNtPowerInformation()
- wrapper function, calling theNtPowerInformation()
mentioned above. Document explains some (about 20 out of 90)InformationLevel
values. Function tries to enableSeShutdownPrivilege
privileges for someInformationLevel
when called with undocumented value, even if theNtPowerInformation()
works properly. It looks like it was the "official" way of calling the real function, beforeNtPowerInformation()
syscall was documented.ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY
- structure description.MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE
- structure description.SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE
- structure description.SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES
- structure description.SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION
- structure description.SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY
- structure description.ntpoapi.h
- header file, distributed by Microsoft as a part of SDK. Contains related enums and structures.winnt.h
- header file, distributed by Microsoft as a part of SDK. ContainsPOWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL
Most of InformationLevel
values require SeShutdownPrivilege
, which means it is allowed for each user on Windows 10. If other privilege requirements are identified, it is clearly written in the level description.
Some power-related parameters can be spotted in the registry under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power
If you want to call NtPowerInformation()
on your own, you can use the following C code:
typedef NTSTATUS(__stdcall* PO_NtPowerInformation)(
IN ULONG InputBufferLength,
IN ULONG OutputBufferLength
DWORD MyNtPowerInformation(
IN ULONG InputBufferLength,
IN ULONG OutputBufferLength
static HMODULE hNtoskrnlModule = NULL;
static PO_NtPowerInformation pfnNtPowerInformation = NULL;
if (NULL == hNtoskrnlModule)
hNtoskrnlModule = LoadLibraryEx(L"ntdll.dll", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);
if (NULL == hNtoskrnlModule)
return GetLastError();
pfnNtPowerInformation = (PO_NtPowerInformation)GetProcAddress(hNtoskrnlModule, "NtPowerInformation");
if (NULL == pfnNtPowerInformation)
return GetLastError();
if (NULL == pfnNtPowerInformation)
return pfnNtPowerInformation(InformationLevel, InputBuffer, InputBufferLength, OutputBuffer, OutputBufferLength);
The information below relies on Win10 1903. Feel free to contribute.
In some cases, "returns..." means "fills the output buffer with...".
Value | Level | Comments |
0 | SystemPowerPolicyAc |
Used for managing system power policy. Uses SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY structure. NtPowerInformation() gets the policy if InputBuffer is NULL, and sets it otherwise. |
1 | SystemPowerPolicyDc |
DC counterpart of SystemPowerPolicyAc described above. |
2 | VerifySystemPolicyAc |
Gets the power policy, and returns it matched against OS/hardware capabilities. |
3 | VerifySystemPolicyDc |
DC counterpart of VerifySystemPolicyAc described above. |
4 | SystemPowerCapabilities |
Returns SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure. You can see it with !pocaps in WinDbg. |
5 | SystemBatteryState |
Returns SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE structure. See also SystemBatteryStatePrecise (83). |
6 | SystemPowerStateHandler |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
7 | ProcessorStateHandler |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
8 | SystemPowerPolicyCurrent |
Returns current system power policy. Uses SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY structure. You can see it with !popolicy in WinDbg. |
9 | AdministratorPowerPolicy |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Used for managing system power policy. Uses ADMINISTRATOR_POWER_POLICY structure. NtPowerInformation() gets the policy if InputBuffer is NULL, and sets it otherwise. |
10 | SystemReserveHiberFile |
Requires SeCreatePagefilePrivilege . BOOLEAN input parameter specifies if hibernation file should be allocated or deallocated on the disk. |
11 | ProcessorInformation |
12 | SystemPowerInformation |
13 | ProcessorStateHandler2 |
14 | LastWakeTime |
Returns ULONGLONG that specifies the interrupt-time count, in 100-nanosecond units, at the last system wake time. |
15 | LastSleepTime |
Returns ULONGLONG that specifies the interrupt-time count, in 100-nanosecond units, at the last system sleep time. |
16 | SystemExecutionState |
Returns the structure, which resembles the EXECUTION_STATE as specified in the SetThreadExecutionState . Requires additional research. |
17 | SystemPowerStateNotifyHandler |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
18 | ProcessorPowerPolicyAc |
19 | ProcessorPowerPolicyDc |
20 | VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyAc |
21 | VerifyProcessorPowerPolicyDc |
22 | ProcessorPowerPolicyCurrent |
23 | SystemPowerStateLogging |
Returns information about power logging. Requires additional research. |
24 | SystemPowerLoggingEntry |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
25 | SetPowerSettingValue |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
26 | NotifyUserPowerSetting |
Returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER . Does not look like really checking, and it is why I believe it means "not implemented". |
27 | PowerInformationLevelUnused0 |
Returns STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER . Does not look like really checking, and it is why I believe it means "not implemented". The name suggests it as well. |
28 | SystemMonitorHiberBootPowerOff |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Turns your monitor off until the reboot. |
29 | SystemVideoState |
30 | TraceApplicationPowerMessage |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
31 | TraceApplicationPowerMessageEnd |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
32 | ProcessorPerfStates |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
33 | ProcessorIdleStates |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
34 | ProcessorCap |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
35 | SystemWakeSource |
Returns last wake reasons. The structure remains a bit unclear for me. Used by powercfg.exe /lastwake . |
36 | SystemHiberFileInformation |
Returns data about hinernation file. Probably it is about the size only, but it needs additional research. |
37 | TraceServicePowerMessage |
Sends the notification to registered parties. Requires additional research. Registering for power events is somewhat documented. |
38 | ProcessorLoad |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Looks like simulated CPU load, but requires more research to confirm. |
39 | PowerShutdownNotification |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
40 | MonitorCapabilities |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
41 | SessionPowerInit |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
42 | SessionDisplayState |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
43 | PowerRequestCreate |
Internal implementation of PowerCreateRequest() . Applications can use this function to ask for more power if they need it, i.e during installation, some computation, media processing etc. |
44 | PowerRequestAction |
Internal implementation of PowerClearRequest . |
45 | GetPowerRequestList |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Returns the current list of power requests. Used by powercfg.exe /requests . |
46 | ProcessorInformationEx |
Returns PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION structure. It looks similar to ProcessorInformation and seems to be "cpu group"-aware. |
47 | NotifyUserModeLegacyPowerEvent |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
48 | GroupPark |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED if run without kernel debug (sounds strange, but it looks exactly like this). Probably it forces parking of selected CPU cores. Requires additional research. |
49 | ProcessorIdleDomains |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
50 | WakeTimerList |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Returns the list of wake timers, probably using the WAKE_TIMER_INFO defined in ntpoapi.h . Used by powercfg.exe /waketimers . |
51 | SystemHiberFileSize |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Gets the ULONG hiberfil size as percent of the physical memory size. Returns ULONG size in bytes. |
52 | ProcessorIdleStatesHv |
? |
53 | ProcessorPerfStatesHv |
? |
54 | ProcessorPerfCapHv |
? |
55 | ProcessorSetIdle |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED if run without kernel debug (sounds strange, but it looks exactly like this). Probably it forces idle on selected CPU cores. Requires additional research. |
56 | LogicalProcessorIdling |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
57 | UserPresence |
58 | PowerSettingNotificationName |
? |
59 | GetPowerSettingValue |
Returns power settings for the given GUID. |
60 | IdleResiliency |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Gets the POWER_IDLE_RESILIENCY structure defined in ntpoapi.h . Requires additional research. |
61 | SessionRITState |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
62 | SessionConnectNotification |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
63 | SessionPowerCleanup |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
64 | SessionLockState |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Looks like sending lock notification to the Winlogon. Could not make it working. Requires additional research. |
65 | SystemHiberbootState |
Returns BOOLEAN value reflecting the HiberbootEnabled value from registry. Practically, it means "Fast Startup". |
66 | PlatformInformation |
Returns BOOLEAN value indicating whether the system supports the connected standby power model. |
67 | PdcInvocation |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
68 | MonitorInvocation |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
69 | FirmwareTableInformationRegistered |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
70 | SetShutdownSelectedTime |
Ignores parameters and stores current high resolution clock value. It looks like a part of preparation for shutdown, when Fast Startup is enabled. |
71 | SuspendResumeInvocation |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
72 | PlmPowerRequestCreate |
Similar to PowerRequestCreate (43). Requires additional research. |
73 | ScreenOff |
Must be called with NULLs as input and output. Turns monitor off with no special reason. Mouse move turns monitor back on. |
74 | CsDeviceNotification |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
75 | PlatformRole |
Returns POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE as defined in winnt.h . |
76 | LastResumePerformance |
Returns performance data about the last resume from hybrid boot, using RESUME_PERFORMANCE as defined in winnt.h . |
77 | DisplayBurst |
Must be called with NULLs as input and output. Used for wake the screen up to display critical notifications. |
78 | ExitLatencySamplingPercentage |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Have no idea about the purpose. |
79 | RegisterSpmPowerSettings |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
80 | PlatformIdleStates |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
81 | ProcessorIdleVeto |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
82 | PlatformIdleVeto |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
83 | SystemBatteryStatePrecise |
Returns SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE structure. See also SystemBatteryState (5). |
84 | ThermalEvent |
Takes some input and returns no output. Totally uknown otherwise, despite the easy name. |
85 | PowerRequestActionInternal |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
86 | BatteryDeviceState |
? |
87 | PowerInformationInternal |
? |
88 | ThermalStandby |
Same as ScreenOff (73), but specifies thermal standby as a reason. |
89 | SystemHiberFileType |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Looks like takes 1 for reduced or 2 for full hiberfile, and returns size in bytes. Used by powercfg.exe /h /type . |
90 | PhysicalPowerButtonPress |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. If non-zero value is provided as input, the 0x1C8 MANUALLY_INITIATED_POWER_BUTTON_HOLD BSOD happens after 7 seconds. Somewhat documented. |
91 | QueryPotentialDripsConstraint |
Kernel mode only? Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called from user mode. |
92 | EnergyTrackerCreate |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Requires additional research. |
93 | EnergyTrackerQuery |
Returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for non-admins. Requires additional research. |
94 | UpdateBlackBoxRecorder |
Stores some data in the BlackBox memory area for relatively simply access during memory dump analysis. The format and the real usage remain cryptic, but the mechanism seems to be commonly used within the OS. Probably, the blackbox can be read with !blackboxbsd and !blackboxscm in WinDbg. |
95 | PowerInformationLevelMaximum |
Not used. Marks the end of list. |