This website uses
Please follow Docsy's Getting Started guide in order to prepare your environment.
Since Docsy is included as a submodule, you have to make sure to clone also submodules. (don't forget to use --recurse-submodules
or you won't pull down some of the code you need to generate a working site).
The hugo server
command builds and serves the site. If you just want to build the site, run hugo
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
hugo server
The Docsy theme is included as a Git submodule:
▶ git submodule
a053131a4ebf6a59e4e8834a42368e248d98c01d themes/docsy (heads/master)
If you want to do SCSS edits and want to publish these, you need to install PostCSS
(not needed for hugo server
npm install
Once you've cloned the site repo, move to the website
folder and run:
hugo server
This website is is a modified version of the great Docsy website example