!!! For debugging only !!!
This Concourse task allows the customization of a stemcell's bosh-agent
, typically used when testing bootstrapping stage. Consider scp-ing Agent binary onto running machine as a quicker alternative.
Override STEMCELL_URL (must be heavy stemcell, raw) and STEMCELL_SHA1 to the stemcell you want (or leave as is):
export STEMCELL_URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/bosh-core-stemcells/aws/bosh-stemcell-3312.15-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz
export STEMCELL_SHA1=d5252cdd6b07763ed989fcfeff47d06afa164065
Assumes your Concourse target is named production. If not, edit run.sh
and adjust.
Set your SSH key:
export BOSH_DEBUG_PUB_KEY="ssh-rsa blahblah"
This will bake your SSH public key into the stemcell; you will be able to ssh in as user bosh_debug
Override STEMCELL_URL (must be heavy stemcell, raw) and STEMCELL_SHA1 to the stemcell you want (or leave as is):
export STEMCELL_URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/bosh-nats-tls/stemcell/warden/bosh-stemcell-11-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz
export STEMCELL_SHA1=47117c103a3820cf84aeccea538b6748a73c16d9
The repacked stemcell location should be listed at the end of the script (e.g. /tmp/stemcell.tgz).