This is the source of the official SUSE modular documentation.
This repository contains modular documentation for SUSE products. The documentation consists of smaller information units with the following characteristics:
Including requirements, context, instructions, and FAQs. Each information unit is supposed to stand for itself.
Cover one distinct purpose:
Rather than covering a complete technology or a set of problems, each information unit covers only one distinct topic. We provide five different types of information units:
- Assembly (builds the actual "article" from the components listed below) - XML template
- Task (how to?) - XML template
- Concept (what is?) - XML template
- Reference (e.g. list of options, table with config files, default settings) - XML template
- Glue (combines texts or structures that do not fit into any of the other categories): Typical glue topics include the "For more information" and the "What's next" sections. Also use glue topics to add an additional layer of navigation to your article. - XML template
For re-use in different contexts:
Tasks, concept and reference context units can be re-used in different context. Content units (articles) are built by pulling these together in dedicated assembly files.
For a comprehensive list of conventions for modular docs, turn to the templates README.