- Rebirth Color Config options for Gameplay Text and Element BG - e5b1d68
- Rebirth Color Config options for the text that goes on Judgment Bars - 6adbb03
- Rebirth Color Config and Theme Option added for setting a Single BG Color in SelectMusic - 04c37f2
- Rebirth MeasureLines toggle option added to settings - 09eaf6c
- Theme util for height resizing - e1cc49c
- Rebirth legacy option screen sizes are now scaled similar to older themes - ac3551b
- Rebirth locks all possible input when selecting a song - 9877c2a
- Rebirth customize gameplay increments for Error Bar increased - f321f3d
- Rebirth evaluation text is slightly bigger - 3d0d5b6
- Rebirth Mirror option moved to Essential Settings - 2127beb
- Rebirth permamirror and favorite icons moved off of banners - 192affc
- Rebirth scores tab, local version Grade resolution is twice as big - 84dc562
- unavailable_functions lua - 24c8c24
- Compile warning - f183bef
- Default pump skin Lua errors when opening pump on Rebirth - c8585bb
- Multiple instance detection on Windows detected folder names - 041532a
- Rebirth customize gameplay broke Notefield Y position when using Reverse - 20f57ce
- Rebirth custom resolutions didn't stick if you even touched the settings menu - 6af633e
- Rebirth difficulty display ghost cursors if song had >= 5 diffs - 12f55e2
- Rebirth sync machine leaked music rate from select music into GameplaySyncMachine - ac85574
- Replay Snapshots did not consider beat Game transforms - 84fc4b3
- Til Death scores tab ghost scores when leaderboard has less than 10 or 13 scores - 6a2a963
- Til Death scores tab unexpected nested tab switching - b587803
- Til Death tags tab mouse hover logic was broken - ce63606