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This folder contains codes for processing the DeepCAD Jsons.

1. Json to Vector Representation

import json
from cad_sequence import CADSequence
from utility.macro import MAX_CAD_SEQ_LEN, N_BIT

with open(json_path,"r") as f:

cad_seq, cad_vec, flag_vec, index_vec=CADSequence.json_to_vec(data=json_data,bit=N_BIT,padding=True,max_cad_seq_len=MAX_CAD_SEQ_LEN)

2. Generate Mesh/Brep/Point Cloud from Json/Vec

NOTE: Use CADSequence.from_vec(vec, denumericalize=True) to create the class if your input is a vector representation.

WARNING: Do not generate the CAD Model while the class contains quantized parameters. Use the method .denumericalize(bit=N_BIT) during that case.

import json
from cad_sequence import CADSequence
from utility.macro import MAX_CAD_SEQ_LEN, N_BIT

with open(json_path,"r") as f:

cad_seq=CADSequence.json_to_NormalizedCAD(data=json_data, bit=N_BIT)

# <!-- ------------------------ Generate Brep or Mesh ------------------------ -->
# NOTE: It will be saved in os.path.join(output_dir,filename+".step")

brep=cad_seq.save_stp(filename=filename, output_dir=output_dir, type="step") # type="stl" for mesh

# <!-- ------------------------ Generate Point Cloud ------------------------- -->
# NOTE: filename without .ply
brep=cad_seq.save_points(filename=filename, output_dir=output_dir, n_points=8192, pointype="uniform")

3. To Check the parameters of the CAD Model

# Output
CAD Sequence:

    - Sketch:
       - CoordinateSystem:
            - Rotation Matrix [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
            - Translation [0. 0. 0.]
       - Face:
          - Loop: Start Point: [0.0, 0.0], Direction: collinear
              - Circle: center([0.3765 0.3765]),             radius(0.3765), pt1 [0.37647059 0.75      ]

    - ExtrudeSequence: (profile_uids: [['FQgWGf8WhgalpUy', 'JGC']], extent_one: 0.1015625, extent_two: 0.0, boolean: 0, sketch_size: 0.75) Euler Angles [0. 0. 0.]