Effortlessly include icons from the most popular icon libraries in you Material-UI project. This project just wraps each icon with Mui's SvgIcon component and exports them using ES6 imports.
This package has material-ui
as a peer dependency
npm install react-icons-mui material-ui --save
Simply import the icons you want and add them to IconButtons or anywhere else.
import React from 'react';
import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton';
import Pizza from 'mui-icons/ionicons/pizza';
const PizzaButton = () => (
<Pizza />
export default PizzaButton;
Name | Folder Name | Home Page | Number if Icons |
Community Material Design Icons | cmdi |
https://materialdesignicons.com/ | 1956 |
Evil Icons | evilicons |
http://evil-icons.io/ | 70 |
FontAwesome | fontawesome |
http://fontawesome.io/ | 694 |
Ionicons | ionicons |
http://ionicons.com/ | 859 |
Material Design Icons | mdi |
https://material.io/icons/ | 959 |
Github Octicons | octicons |
https://octicons.github.com/ | 176 |
Typicons | typicons |
http://www.typicons.com/ | 336 |
Any props added to an Icon will be forwarded to Mui's SvgIcon element (except for children
, which will be the paths of the icon you want). Check the Mui docs to see it's props.
- Ionicons uses style on some icons, which react doesn't seem to like.
This package is heavily based on top of the excelent react-icons package.
- Icons are taken from the other projects so please check each project licences accordingly.