A React website template for a service rendering company 🏢
the website for my solar consult application
A website using react for modern AI (GPT3)
A react application creating an admin dashboard for user and product management 👨💼
A cryptocurrency react application with data about crypto market, exchanges and news using react, redux and antdesign and charts and use of rapid api. Licence MIT
A forex trading bot for xtb trading using python
A mobile application in flutter for recipes
A django rest framework backend for my portfolio website for easy management of data and reuse of objects
A mobile application for getting nigerian recipes and for adjusting the recipes to suit your needs. It also provides meal schedule for simplification of user's life ;)
Clone all data from an api response to a local file. Save all images and data locally on your pc 🤩
A backend project for the solar consult application
An application for listing and ranking restaurants
A flutter package for building a listview with a paper curl animation effect on swipe
Website containing my accademic research and publications
A flutter package for creating animated carousel which supports adding and removing items dynamicly
An application for running mock rest api servers locally without writing any code 😉.
A furniture trading application built in swift ui
A repository containing my personal opensource projects on jetpack compose Kotlin
an admin dashboard for the solar consult application
A remote communication between Android and Arduino using just an infrared sensor
An automatic brooder for rearing chickens using Arduino micro controller
A gas exhaust analyzer measuring and storing values of concentration for Co2, Co, Benzene, No2, Nh3, temperature and humidity using Arduino
A flutter package for creating auto formating textfields for date input
A neural network implementation in C++