Image resizing, cropping and compression on the fly with the impressive MozJPEG compression algorithm. A set of Docker containers to build your own Cloudinary-like service.
You pass the image URL and a set of keys with options, like size or compression. Fly-image will fetch the image, convert it, store it, cache it and serve it. The next time the request comes, it will serve the cached version.
The application is based on Silex microframework.
You will need to have Docker and Docker compose on your machine. Optionally you can use Docker machine to create a virtual environment.
Create the project with composer create
or clone it into your server.
$ composer create-project sadok-f/fly-image
CD into the folder and to build the images run:
$ docker-compose build
This will download and generate the different images needed for the different containers. It will take a few minutes. If you get some sort of error related to files not found by apt-get or simmilar, try this same command again.
Then up the containers:
$ docker-compose up -d
Docker compose will create the following containers:
- nginx : Nginx 1.9
- fpm : PHP 7 fpm
- redis: Redis server
- redis-commander: Redis-commander to help visualize data stored in Redis server
Now, only for the first time you need to run composer install inside one of the containers.
$ docker exec -it fpm bash
This will ssh you into the container, where you will install the composer dependencies for the fpm container.
$ composer install
Again, it will take a few minutes. Same as before, if you get some errors you should try running composer install
again. After it's done, you can navigate to your machine's IP in port 8080 (ex: ) an you should get a message saying: Hello from Docker!. This means fpm is ready to work.
You can test your image resizing service by navigating to:,h_333,q_90/
This is fetching an image from Mozilla, resizing it, saving it and serving it.
More configuration details below.
Storage files based on Flysystem which is a filesystem abstraction allows you to easily swap out a local filesystem for a remote one. Technical debt is reduced as is the chance of vendor lock-in.
Default storage is Local, but you can use other Adapters like AWS S3, Azure, FTP, Dropbox, ...
Use Redis for meta-data caching
moz: mozjpeg
q: quality
unsh: unsharp
w: width
h: height
c: crop
bg: background
st: strip
rz: resize
g: gravity
th: thread
thb: thumbnail
f: filter
sc: scale
sf: sampling-factor
rf: refresh
mozjpeg: 1
quality: 90
unsharp: null
width: null
height: null
crop: null
background: null
strip: 1
resize: null
gravity: Center
thread: 1
thumbnail: null
filter: Lanczos
scale: null
sampling-factor: 1x1
refresh: false
in app.php:
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
$s3Client = S3Client::factory([
'credentials' => [
'key' => 'your-key',
'secret' => 'your-secret',
'region' => 'your-region',
'version' => 'latest|version',
if (getenv('cache') == 0 || !$app['params']['cache']) {
$adapter = 'League\Flysystem\AwsS3v3\AwsS3Adapter';
$args = [$s3Client, 'your-bucket-name'];
} else {
$redisClient = new Client('tcp://redis-service:6379');
$adapter = 'League\Flysystem\Cached\CachedAdapter';
$args = [
new AwsS3Adapter($s3Client, 'your-bucket-name'),
new Cache($redisClient)
Restricted domains disabled by default. This means that you can fetch a resource from any URL. To enable the domain restriction, change in config/parameters.yml
restricted_domains: true
After enabling, you need to put the white listed domains
restricted_domains is activated, only images from domain is accepted
Redis-commander (Disabled for now):