Sift: Channel-Wise Partial Historical Embedding for High Efficiency Distributed Graph Neural Network Training with Accuracy Guarantee
The source code of the Sift framework for high efficiency distributed graph neural network training with accuracy guarantee.
dgl 1.0.2+cu113 \ numba 0.57.0 \ numpy 1.24.2 \ numpydoc 1.5.0 \ ogb 1.3.6 \ outdated 0.2.2 \ packaging 23.0 \ PaGraph 0.1 \ pandas 2.0.0 \ Pillow 9.5.0 \ PyYAML 6.0 \ scikit-learn 1.2.2 \ scipy 1.10.1 \ torch 1.10.1+cu111 \ torch-cluster 1.5.9 \ torch-geometric 2.0.0 \ torch-scatter 2.0.9 \ torch-sparse 0.6.12 \ torch-spline-conv 1.2.1 \ torchaudio 0.10.1+cu111 \ torchvision 0.11.2+cu111 \ torchviz 0.0.2 \
The script depends on or Users can change parameter in to test combination under different parallelisms.
We provide a full function python file '', channel-wise replacement without Sawtooth Rearrangement file '' and other normal benchmark in this project.
Users can replace '' in with any file in this project such as '' to test different implementations.
The project is developed based on Sancus, GNNAutoScale and DIGEST for distributed historical embedding mechanism.