This component provides design time functionalities for the SeaClouds Platform. It provides planning, replanning, DAM generation and monitoring rules retrieval via rest API.
The easiest way to install and run this component is explained in SeaClouds
Running SeaClouds Planner only requires Java 7 (or greater) installed on the target machine. Among with the software requirements, it also needs:
- SeaClouds Discoverer, Sla, Monitor component services up and running since they will be called via HTTP by the planner.
- A plannerconf.yml configuration file.
SeaClouds Planner is packaged as a Dropwizard application. It requires a configuration file to run. SeaClouds already has an example plannerconf.yml file. The configuration info are:
- planner port (1234 by default)
- discovererURL is the Discoverer Component URL and port in the format http://{ip}:{port}/
- monitorGeneratorURL is the Monitor Component URL (http://{ip})
- monitorGeneratorPort is the Monitor Component port ({number})
- slaGeneratorURL: is the SLA Component URL and port in the format http://{ip}:{port}/
- deployableProviders is the list of providers that the Deployer component is able to deploy (by default ["openstack-nova","openstack-keystone","openstack-nova-ec2", "byon", "sts", "elasticstack", "cloudstack", "rackspace-cloudidentity","aws-ec2","gogrid","elastichosts-lon-p","elastichosts-sat-p","elastichosts-lon-b","openhosting-east1","serverlove-z1-man","skalicloud-sdg-my","go2cloud-jhb1","softlayer","hpcloud-compute","rackspace-cloudservers-us","rackspace-cloudservers-uk","azurecompute","google-compute-engine","CloudFoundry"])
- filterOfferings is a boolean flag that enables the filter of non deployable providers for the matching process (default is false)
- influxdbURL is the InfluxDB service URL
- influxdbPort is the InlfuxDB service port
- influxdbDatabase is the database name on InfluxDB service
- influxdbUsername is the username on InfluxDB service
- influxdbPassword is the password on InfluxDB service
- grafanaEndpoint is Grafana service URL and port in the format http://{ip}:{port}/
- grafanaUsername is the username on Grafana service
- grafanaPassword is the password on Grafana service
All the configuration info are required.
Once you have fulfilled the requirements you only need to run on JRE (>=1.7):
java -jar planner-service.jar server path/to/config.yml
You can get the last snapshot of the planner from the repository
If you want to build SeaClouds Planner please follow the instructions on SeaClouds
#License## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.