Prepare a job config file as described here, for example, exampleJob.json
HTTP POST your username and password to get an access token from:
For example, with curl, you can execute below command line:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-X POST http://restserver/api/v1/token \
-d "username=YOUR_USERNAME" -d "password=YOUR_PASSWORD"
HTTP GET the redirect URL of Azure AD for authentication:
HTTP POST the token from AAD (AccessToken, IDToken, RefreshToken) to get OpenPAI's access token. Web-browser will call this API automatically after the step I.
HTTP GET the redirect URL of Azure AD to sign out the authentication:
HTTP POST the config file as json with access token in header to:
For example, you can execute below command line:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-X POST http://restserver/api/v1/user/:username/jobs \
-d @exampleJob.json
Check the list of jobs at:
Check your exampleJob status at:
Get the job config JSON content:
Get the job's SSH info:
Configure the rest server port in services-configuration.yaml.
Please visit ReDoc to view RESTful API details.
Since Framework ACL is enabled since this version, jobs will have a namespace with job-creater's username. However there were still some jobs created before the version upgrade, which has no namespaces. They are called "legacy jobs", which can be retrieved, stopped, but cannot be created. To figure out them, there is a "legacy: true" field of them in list apis.
In the next versions, all operations of legacy jobs may be disabled, so please re-create them as namespaced job as soon as possible.