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File metadata and controls

74 lines (56 loc) · 3.42 KB


There is no substitute for play. The only way to really know a service, API or package is to explore it, poke at it, and bang your elbows -- trial and error. A REST design is especially well-suited for active exploration, and the jirashell script (installed automatically when you use pip) is designed to help you do exactly that.

pip install jira[cli]

Run it from the command line

jirashell -s
<Jira Shell (>

*** Jira shell active; client is in 'jira'. Press Ctrl-D to exit.

In [1]:

This is a specialized Python interpreter (built on IPython) that lets you explore Jira as a service. Any legal Python code is acceptable input. The shell builds a JIRA client object for you (based on the launch parameters) and stores it in the jira object.

Try getting an issue

In [1]: issue = jira.issue('JRA-1330')

issue now contains a reference to an issue Resource. To see the available properties and methods, hit the TAB key

In [2]: issue.
issue.delete  issue.fields      issue.raw     issue.update
issue.expand  issue.find    issue.key     issue.self

In [2]: issue.fields.
issue.fields.aggregateprogress              issue.fields.customfield_11531
issue.fields.aggregatetimeestimate          issue.fields.customfield_11631
issue.fields.aggregatetimeoriginalestimate  issue.fields.customfield_11930
issue.fields.aggregatetimespent             issue.fields.customfield_12130
issue.fields.assignee                       issue.fields.customfield_12131
issue.fields.attachment                     issue.fields.description
issue.fields.comment                        issue.fields.environment
issue.fields.components                     issue.fields.fixVersions
issue.fields.created                        issue.fields.issuelinks
issue.fields.customfield_10150              issue.fields.issuetype
issue.fields.customfield_10160              issue.fields.labels
issue.fields.customfield_10161              issue.fields.mro
issue.fields.customfield_10180              issue.fields.progress
issue.fields.customfield_10230              issue.fields.project
issue.fields.customfield_10575              issue.fields.reporter
issue.fields.customfield_10610              issue.fields.resolution
issue.fields.customfield_10650              issue.fields.resolutiondate
issue.fields.customfield_10651              issue.fields.status
issue.fields.customfield_10680              issue.fields.subtasks
issue.fields.customfield_10723              issue.fields.summary
issue.fields.customfield_11130              issue.fields.timeestimate
issue.fields.customfield_11230              issue.fields.timeoriginalestimate
issue.fields.customfield_11431              issue.fields.timespent
issue.fields.customfield_11433              issue.fields.updated
issue.fields.customfield_11434              issue.fields.versions
issue.fields.customfield_11435              issue.fields.votes
issue.fields.customfield_11437              issue.fields.workratio

Since the Resource class maps the server's JSON response directly into a Python object with attribute access, you can see exactly what's in your resources.