AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) app to interact with Amazon EC2 from Shuffle.
No. | Action | Description | Parameters |
1 | Create Image | Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance that is either running or stopped. | access_key, secret_key, region, InstanceId, Description, Name, NoReboot, DryRun |
2 | Deregister Image | Deregisters the specified AMI (Amazon Machine Image). | access_key, secret_key, region, ImageId, DryRun |
3 | Create snapshot | Creates a snapshot of an EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3. | access_key, secret_key, region, Description, VolumeId, DryRun |
4 | Delete snapshot | Deletes the specified snapshot. | access_key, secret_key, region, user_name, SnapshotId, DryRun |
5 | Create network interface | Creates a network interface in the specified subnet. | access_key, secret_key, region, Description, Subnetid, DryRun |
6 | Delete network interface | Deletes the specified network interface. | access_key, secret_key, region, user_name, NetworkInterfaceId, DryRun |
7 | Describe address | Describes the specified Elastic IP addresses or all of your Elastic IP addresses. | access_key, secret_key, region, PublicIps, DryRun |
8 | Describe keypair | Describes the specified key pairs or all of your key pairs. | access_key, secret_key, region, KeyNames, KeyPairIds, DryRun |
9 | Describe networkacls | Describes one or more of your network ACLs. | access_key, secret_key, region, NetworkAclIds, DryRun |
10 | Describe securitygroups | Describes the specified security groups or all of your security groups. | access_key, secret_key, region, GroupIds, DryRun |
11 | Describe_vpc | Describes one or more of your VPCs | access_key, secret_key, region, VpcIds, DryRun |
12 | Get rules | Gets the rules for an ACL ID, A resource representing an EC2 NetworkAcl | access_key, secret_key, region, NetworkAclId, DryRun |
13 | Block ip | Creates a new firewall entry to block an IP | access_key, secret_key, region, NetworkAclId, ip, direction, DryRun |
14 | instance state change | Termiante/Start/Stop an EC2 Instance | access_key, secret_key, region, instance_id, action, DryRun |
15 | Create acl_entry | Creates an ACL entry | access_key, secret_key, region, NetworkAclId , cidr_block, direction, portrange_from, portrange_to, protocol, rule_action, rule_number, DryRun |
- access_key, secret_key and region are used for authentication.
- Bold Parameters are compulsory required.
- Italic Parameters can take single value as well as multiple values in comma separated manner (E.g. value1,value2,value3 )
- AWS account
- Access key, Secret key and region of the user.
- How to find access key & secret key ?
- Open
- From navbar click on user dropwodown → My Security Credentials.
- Open the Access keys tab, and then choose Create access key.
- To see the new access key, choose Show. Your credentials resemble the following:
- Secret access key: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY