How to deal with the SSL in iOS9,One solution is to do like:
As the [Apple][1] say : [1]:
![enter image description here][2] [2]:
iOS 9 and OSX 10.11 require TLSv1.2 SSL for all hosts you plan to request data from unless you specify exception domains in your app's Info.plist file.
The syntax for the Info.plist configuration looks like this:
<!--Include to allow subdomains-->
<!--Include to allow insecure HTTP requests-->
<!--Include to specify minimum TLS version-->
If your application (a third-party web browser, for instance) needs to connect to arbitrary hosts, you can configure it like this:
<!--Connect to anything (this is probably BAD)-->
If you're having to do this, it's probably best to update your servers to use TLSv1.2 and SSL, if they're not already doing so. This should be considered a temporary workaround.
As of today, the prerelease documentation makes no mention of any of these configuration options in any specific way. Once it does, I'll update the answer to link to the relevant documentation.
##2.Demo2_iOS9新特性_更灵活的后台定位 If you're using CoreLocation framework in your app in Xcode7(pre-released),and you may notice that there is a newly added property called allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates in CLLocationManager class.
This new property is explained in the WWDC session "What's New in Core Location".
The default value is NO
if you link against iOS 9.
If your app uses location in the background (without showing the blue status bar) you have to set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates
to YES
in addition to setting the background mode capability in Info.plist. Otherwise location updates are only delivered in foreground. The advantage is that you can now have location managers with background location updates and other location managers with only foreground location updates in the same app. You can also reset the value to NO
to change the behavior.
The documentation is pretty clear about it:
By default, this is NO for applications linked against iOS 9.0 or later, regardless of minimum deployment target.
With UIBackgroundModes set to include "location" in Info.plist, you must also set this property to YES at runtime whenever calling -startUpdatingLocation with the intent to continue in the background.
Setting this property to YES when UIBackgroundModes does not include "location" is a fatal error.
Resetting this property to NO is equivalent to omitting "location" from the UIBackgroundModes value. Access to location is still permitted whenever the application is running (ie not suspended), and has sufficient authorization (ie it has WhenInUse authorization and is in use, or it has Always authorization). However, the app will still be subject to the usual task suspension rules.
See -requestWhenInUseAuthorization and -requestAlwaysAuthorization for more details on possible authorization values.
The syntax for the Info.plist configuration looks like this:
<string>微博@iOS程序犭袁 请求后台定位权限</string>
Use like:
_locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
_locationManager.delegate = self;
[_locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest];
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8) {
[_locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 9) {
_locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;
[_locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
TLS 1.2 协议 强制增强数据访问安全 系统 Foundation 框架下的相关网络请求,将不再默认使用 Http 等不安全的网络协议,而默认采用 TLS 1.2。服务器因此需要更新,以解析相关数据。如不更新,可通过在 Info.plist 中声明,倒退回不安全的网络请求。 ##2.Demo2_iOS9新特性_更灵活的后台定位
【iOS9在定位的问题上,有一个坏消息一个好消息】坏消息:如果不适配iOS9,就不能偷偷在后台定位(不带蓝条,见图)!好消息:将允许出现这种场景:同一App中的多个location manager:一些只能在前台定位,另一些可在后台定位,并可随时开启或者关闭特定location manager的后台定位。
如果没有请求后台定位的权限,也是可以在后台定位的,不过会带蓝条: ![enter image description here][9] [9]:
// 1. 实例化定位管理器
_locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
// 2. 设置代理
_locationManager.delegate = self;
// 3. 定位精度
[_locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest];
// 4.请求用户权限:分为:⓵只在前台开启定位⓶在后台也可定位,
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8) {
//[_locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];//⓵只在前台开启定位
[_locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];//⓶在后台也可定位
// 5.iOS9新特性:将允许出现这种场景:同一app中多个location manager:一些只能在前台定位,另一些可在后台定位(并可随时禁止其后台定位)。
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 9) {
_locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;
// 6. 更新用户位置
[_locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
*** Assertion failure in -[CLLocationManager setAllowsBackgroundLocationUpdates:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
对应的 Info.plist 的XML源码是:
<string>微博@iOS程序犭袁 请求后台定位权限</string>
##3.iOS9 Untrusted Enterprise Developer with no option to trust
Since iOS9 there is no option to trust an enterprise build. Before iOS9,it's very easy to use:if you touch the app,it'll apear this :
You have to let the user do like: Go to Settings - General - Profiles - tap on your Profile - tap on Trust button.
必须让用户进行gif图中的设置(相关Demo: )